Letters from P.E.I. - Henry Jones Cundall to Captain John Orlebar, July 30, 1867

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Transcribed by Gary Carroll, [email protected]

Letter from Henry Jones Cundall to Captain John Orlebar, July 30, 1867

Charlottetown, P.E.I.
30th July, 1867

My dear Capt. Orlebar, Being absent from town when your letter of the 1st arrived I was unable to answer it by the last mail.

I note what you say about your town Lot & have not forgotten the price, but having received what I consider to be a fair offer for part of the lot, I thought it my duty to transmit it to you. There is one thing connected with the offer which I ought perhaps to have stated; he wanted the half lot right through @ £ 250 but having only £150 in hand


he thought it better not to purchase the remaining quarter, till he could pay for it. He has now requested me to offer you £250 for the half lot, £150 down the remainder on interest @ 6% payable in one or two years. I am not endeavouring to force a sale by any means nor do I wish to influence you in selling any property here, but as property is selling I consider the price to be a good one. Mr. Dan Hodgson sold his corner lot with a southern aspect about the best situation in town for £480. & I bought a few days ago nearly a whole town lot at the east end of the town for one hundred and seven pounds Still your lot has a good situation, and in the course of time will no


doubt rise in value if Mr. Hensley should be able to borrow the £100,000 I dare say the money market will be easier for a short time, however it may affect it afterwards. I am sorry to hear of Mrs. Orlebars still continued weakness. I think your plan of visiting the South of England to be an excellent one, combining as it does business and pleasure, a business which at the same is a pleasure. I have been in a good many of the Southern Towns and very interesting many of them are. Charles Bayfield is now here on sick leave and Edward has taken a sudden notion to go to England. He left this week for Hfx en route. We have had so far a beautiful summer and the crops are looking well and there


is a promise of abundance of fruit. I think the fisheries are scarcely so favorable as on some former years. Mr. & Mrs. H Palmer are making their wedding tour. You have no doubt received full particulars of the marriage. The Bank of P.E.I. has at last commenced their new Banking house it is to be on the corner above our house fronting on Great George Street, house formerly occupied by Dr. Young, Hobs of the foundry & others. The building is to be of brick and I trust it will be more commodious & healthy than the present one. The troops have been taken away to Halifax and I think it is doubtful if any will be sent to fill their places. Coll Graham an aid-de-camp of ?? has been spending a few days with the Governor. With kind regards to Mrs. O & family I remain yours very truly, H. J. Cundall

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