Letters from P.E.I. - Campbell & Cousins, New London, to Messrs Broad & Fowler, Newcastle, Mirimachi, 20 Dec 1831

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From the collection of Ivan W. MacKenzie, [email protected], Transcribed by Dave Hunter.

Campbell & Cousins, New London, to Messrs Broad & Fowler, Newcastle, Mirimachi, 20 Dec 1831

New London, P. E. Island 20 Dec 1831

Messrs. Broad & Fowler


We are sorry to inform you of our misfortune as well as yours but we hope you have insured the lumber as we had to heave considerable of it overboard for the preservation of the ship & remainder of the cargo. It will be needlefs to state particulars to you in this as the ??? will specify that the vefsel was abandoned on a Sand Bank but we expect to get her off early in the ensuing spring. We wish you to inform us as early as pofsible how you would wish us to proceed wether to return to Mirimachi to make up the load or to proceed to St. Johns with the remainder. We have kept your letters until we hear from you to know wether you would wish to have them sent back to you or not, We remain,

Your Obdt Servts

Campbell & Cousins

To Messrs. Broad & Fowler

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Presented by: Dave Hunter & The Island Register.

Last Updated: 04/18/2000 5:20:18 PM
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