Transcribed by Gary Carroll, [email protected]
PAPEI Acc 2849/26028 March, 1872
To The Honle. Edward Palmer
In reply to your note of this morning, calling my attention to certain charges made against you in a letter, which appeared in the "Islander" of the 22nd ult, above the name "Jacob Carvell", in reference to the hostile meeting which took place between the Honle. George Coles and yourself, I now have simply to state in proper justice
to you, that Mr. Carvell has misrepresented you in connection with that affair, and firstly you were the challenged and not the challenger, as Mr. Carvell has asserted, and secondly his averment that, "you fired before the word was given" is groundless in fact. The duty to order the fire devolved upon me, and I distinctly remember that you discharged your weapon when, and not before the word fire was uttered by me, and I here justly add, that your demeanor, in this affair, was that of a gentleman of honor and courage.
I remain Sir
Your Obt. Sert.
A. MitchellP.S. You can make such use of this communication as you may deem proper. AM
Notes: The "Islander" for 22 Feb., 1872 with Jacob Carvell's letter is not available in any public collection. Andrew Mitchell, the probable author of this letter, was born about 1826 in Nova Scotia & died 6 Feb., 1885 at Stratford, Ontario.