Letters from P.E.I. - Robert Irving Price 1834-1919 to his uncle, Dec 03 1870

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Transcribed by Gary Carroll -

Letter from Robert Irving Price 1834-1919 to his uncle:

Bedeque Dec 3rd, 1870

Dear friends

We intend to send the mare next Thursday if the postman will take her. I have not asked him yet and whenever you can make it convenient say 2 or 3 or 4 or 6 months time it will be exceptable aney time whole or part.. if the postman dont take her for me I will try and go myself. We have more horses than we want but she is the flower of the stock.

Father is as usual coughing. I dont think he is aney worse. hard weather is fabourable to him with the exception of him we are pretty well. Maggey is up to Bideford. the folks there were well a fortnight ago. Wm Hayes was up to see his brother. he is very poorely with consumption. We have got quite and interesting British Temple in our school house progressing well. I hope it will be lasting. Myra is growing finely she was sickly a while and Ruth went to Wm Watt and got som medecine from him. it acted like a charm. the neighbors and friends are pretty well. when you get the mare peggey write and let us know as we will be anxious to here from her. we have a hired man now. I was alone a good while after George went away put the work back som. we are pretty well prepared for winter now.

No more at present from your nephew

Robert I Price

P S excuse bad spelling and etc I don't practice much in writing.

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Presented by: Dave Hunter & The Island Register.

Last Updated: 7/7/2010 5:58:39 AM
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