Transcribed by Gary Carroll, garycarroll [at] hotmail [dot] com
Letter from Yeo family file at PARO John Ings [1815-1907] to Mary Jane Yeo [1825-1898]; they were married a short time later
Ch'town, Wednesday, Jan. 24/55
My Dear Mary Jane:
Your last two notes gave me more satisfaction than any dozen of your previous ones. I am glad to find that you are better and prepared to leave on Tuesday next, (if spared). As my sister would be too tired to drive up one day and return the next, and as she is desirous of returning with us. it is my present intention to send her to St. Eleanor's on Monday next, by Bagnall and if it would not be giving you too much trouble, perhaps you would get someone at Port Hill to drive over for her. If the weather will permit, I shall leave home early on Tuesday morning, so as to reach St. Eleanor's about one or two o'clock, and there meet your man and change Horses, and if all goes well, arrive at Port Hill before dark.
At the present moment, the Travelling is completely knocked up - the streets in Town are quite bare, and carts, trucks & gigs are substituted for Sleighs. The Harbour is all open, and yesterday a Boat sailed in from Point Prim, and sailed out again in the evening. A man got in the ice in the Channel yesterday
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and was there thirty minutes before he could be rescued and it took nearly an hour to bring him on shore immediately below my House, and when landed, was all but dead. I took a little Wine down on the ice and poured it down his throat, but he could not swallow. I heard he is likely to recover, however.
Up until ? o'clock this morning (Thursday) there is no sign of the English Mail. I cannot imagine what is keeping it. Yesterday afternoon Wm. Pope, James Pope and John Jenkins left town with a four horse turnout for Cape Traverse, on their way to England.
I write again on Monday morning
Yours sincerely
John Ings