Letters from P.E.I. - Paul Mabey to Alex. Howe, Sep 9th 1811

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Transcribed by Gary Carroll, [email protected]

Letter from Paul Mabey to Alex. Howe, Sep 9th 1811 - Public Archives of Nova Scotia Howe papers #56

To the Honorable Alex Howe, Member of His Majesty's Council

New Harmonic Society
Ch'Town Monday Evening Septr. 9th 1811
The Honor you have done us in early becoming a member of our Society and the Countenance we have derived from your former occasional attendance and constant support has now endelibly insured to you our lasting Gratitude Respect and Esteem, and altho' several of our members this day at a most respectable meeting of the Inhabitants had an opportunity of manifesting by their signatures to a public testimony of the grateful sense which the Inhabitants of this Town and Island at large entertain of your public conduct and private virtues yet sir, we cannot reconcile it to our sense of Propriety and the Ardour of our own feelings toward you on the much and sincerely to be regretted occasion of your leaving the Island, to part with you without begging leave to assure you of our united and individual hearty concurrence in the public opinion of your highly meritorious conduct and character and requesting your acceptance of our most cordial and best wishes for the future prosperity and permanent happiness of yourself and truly amiable family, In the name and on behalf of the Society, I have the Honor to be with the highest Respect and Esteem, Sir,
Your most obedient and faithful servant,

Paul Mabey, President.

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Presented by: Dave Hunter & The Island Register.

Last Updated: 1/20/2005 10:08:41 AM
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