Legacy is one of the most configurable genealogical databases on the market today. It features an extensive variety of entry, source, and report options which makes it stand far above other similar programs. A glance at the screen shots below will give you an idea of only a few of the very many configuration options and features available. I am most impressed with this programn and Legacy offers free updates frequently whenever enhancements have been made in the program. Click on the Legacy graphic to go to the Legacy Home page, or to download a free copy of Legacy Standard Edition.
In order to export a file from Legacy for submittion as a family lineage on the Island Register, one must follow the following instructions:
When Legacy is running, go to Reports/Modified Register (Descendant) Book. This will give you the following screen:
On this screen, choose the individual you wish to start the file from, by using the [change] option at the bottom of the screen. Next, it is necessary to chose a number of total generations which will not show living persons in the resulting file. Finally, ensure that all options are checked/unchecked as in the screen shot above. Note Index Options and Title Page are also unchecked, as they are not required, nor desired in the resulting file.
Next, click on Report options/Include. You will see this screen:
Set all options as shown above.
Next, click on the Format Tab. The following options will appear:
Uncheck all options except for "Don't Repeat Duplicate Lines". Now, click on the Sources tab.
You will arrive at the following screen:
Uncheck all items on this page. When this is done, click on close, which will bring you back to the Descendant Book page. Double check to ensure that RTF is selected for the output format, then click on "Create". You will be prompted to enter a file name for the RTF chart. When written, Legacy will ask you if you want to view your file in your word processor. Select yes, and check the file to ensure that no living individuals show up in the file.Make any edits you have to in the word processor, then save.
Finally, attach the resultant file to an email to Dave Hunter, [email protected] and along with an explaination, send it to me for placement on the page. While Legacy has a good HTML export facility, it is not suitable by itself for inclusion on the Island Register, as it created a multi file page, which is too bulky for use on the server, considering the large number of families represented on the page. This report, done in RTF is perfect for inclusion, and I will convert it to HTML, and link it into the Lineages index, along with a link to you as submitter, and upload the final file to the server.
Good luck, and if you have any difficulty with these instructions, send me a copy of the file which resulted from your efforts, and I will attempt to tell you what went wrong :-) It is possible with future builds of Legacy, it may be necessary to change some items in this tutorial. For further information about Legacy, a download link, and more, please visit the Legacy Family Tree home page!