Moneys disbursed since September 1842 by the Ladies Benevolent Society

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

Moneys disbursed since September 1842 by the Ladies Benevolent Society

From the Royal Gazette, March 28, 1843.

Moneys disbursed since September 1842 by the Ladies' Benevolent Society, Charlottetown.

Anty Lundy, 26 weeks at 5s.

Widow Maria M'Carthy, 26 weeks at 5s.

Widow M'Arthy, 26 weeks, at 4s.

Widow M'Pherson, 26 weeks at 2s.

Twin children, 26 weeks at 7 s.

Ellen Galliger, 5 weeks at 5s.

Thomas Connors, 26 weeks at 6s

Mary Smith (Rent,) 20 weeks at 3s.

--------Walls, 22 weeks at 3s.

Mrs. Webster, 18 weeks at 3s.

Samuel Jackson, 16 weeks at 1s. 6d

Widow Norris, 15 weeks, at 7s

These allowances still continue to be paid by the Society.

Persons who have received relief in Clothing.

Ellen Galliger

Ann Calighan

Mary Ryan and child

Widow Campbell

Widow M'Quade

Woodriff's Twin Children

Widow M'Arthy

Mary Smith


Doyle's Idiots

Widow M'Pherson


Widow Carson

Hugh Cudmore

Neville's family

Mary Renahan

Widow Norris

Widow Partridge

Harriet Pond

Widow Catherine Barrett and children

Widow Sullivan



Richard Knight

Laurie (West River.)

Widow Lewis

Darby Kehoe.


List of Persons who have received casual Relief in Money, Provisions and Wood.

Ann Calighan

Widow Carson

William Porter

William M'Carty

Kitty M'Attee

Margaret Johnston

James Hughes

Widow Sullivan

Moses Curran

Robert Smith

Mrs. Webster

Isabella Brady

W. Rollings

David Lackey

Charles Fitzpatrick

Noel Mitchell (Indian)

Sarah Garriboo

Louis Jackson

Richard Knight

Family of Nevills

Ann Fooley

Widow Campbell

William M'Grath

M. Quinn

John Hinds

Susan Hanford

Judith Casham

East (Georgetown)

Richard Symonds, Lot 32

Mary Smith

Samuel Jackson

Widow Macpherson

Widow Norris


Thomas Wilson's Family.


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Last Updated: 2/1/2005 10:59:35 AM
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