Sources of Genealogical Forms, Gizmos, and Aids!

Recently, I had an email query from a lady looking for census worksheets for our Canadian Census. Though I had seen blank sheets for the American censuses, I had not seen similar for the Canadian Censuses! So, with the help of the Guestbook, I went on a search, and below is a compilation of the answers. Yes, they are available, and from a number of sources! Also, on this page, you will find other assorted forms, gizmos, and printed aids for the genealogist.
Sources of Canadian Census Worksheets!
The following Online Census Forms are on the Wentworth County, Ontario GenWeb Site! Please bookmark this page before you click on the link so you can return, or else use your back button to return here!
"Each Census Transcript form spans two decades and may be printed directly from
Netscape Navigator 3 without resizing. Use the File menu item "Printer Setup" to set the
Printer to Landscape mode, then "Print" after the image is finished loading. If you are
using a Web Browser other than Netscape 3, I suggest saving the file to disk and printing from a Paint Program that allows print preview and correct sizing."
1851/1861 Census Sheet
1871/1881 Census Sheet
1891/1901 Census Sheet
Above Forms in Zipped WordPerfect 6.1 Format - Unzip before importing
May also be imported into MS Word and printed!
Census form Templates are available from the Ontario Genealogical Society.
The Ontario Genealogical Society
40 Orchard View Blvd., Suite 102,
Toronto, Ontario M4R 1B9
Tel.: (416) 489-0734 � Fax (416) 489-9803
Master Templates printed in black on card stock to be used to photocopy your own forms. Simply take them to your local printshop when you need copies.
Canadian Census Forms package of templates: 1842 to 1901 (set of 22)
Members: $7.00 Regular Price: $10.00
Family Group Kit with pedigree and other forms (set of 15)
Members: $5.00 Regular Price: $7.00
For those living in the U.S.A., the above Census Master Templates are also available from The New England Historic Genealogical Society, Genealogical Society, $10 (US) plus s/h. Item #C1-63200.
Their Address is:
The Sales Department
New England Historic
Genealogical Society
160 N. Washington Street
Boston, MA 02114-2120
Similar forms are also available from Family History Centers across North America.
My thanks to Al & Norma Falconer, Linda Kutnerian, and Elaine Thompson for the above information!
Relationship Chart!
Right here on the Register, we have quite a good Cousin Relationship Chart. You may print it using the print function in your Browser. It is quite useful to calculate those confusing cousin relationships!
Perpetual Calendar!
If you have ever known the exact birthdate of an event, and wished to know what day of the week it happened on? Well, we have the answer for you, a perpetual Calendar, which will print out on screen, a calendar of the month of the event. This device uses Java, and will only work on a Java enabled browser, but, if your browser does not support Java, the link will take you to a wee downloadable DOS program which will do the same thing for you, though not quite so elegantly!
Soundex Program!
Here is a small shareware Windows 3.1/ Win 95 program designed to convert names to their Soundex Codes for quick searches on names!
Dave Hunter and The Island Register: Source Code and Graphics© 1998, 1999
Last Updated: 4/25/99 9:09:11 AM
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