Submitted by John Collins - There are additional generations of this family to share. Please direct Queries and requests for source information to the email link above!
The Ferguson's of Hampton
This FERGUSON family tree, being a subset of my "MacPHAILS of Argyle Shore, Lot 30, PEI" tree, begins with the following Fourth Generation entry taken from that tree. The individual numbers such as (38), all interconnect with that tree listing.
The descendants are all from CATHERINE McPHAIL and PETER FERGUSON who came to PEI in 1810. Peter's father is shown, and it is known that he had about 4 brothers back on Mull. One of them, DONALD FERGUSON, came to PEI with PETER about 1810 and took up land on the west bank of the DeSable River in Lot 29 north of the river crossing. He married Ann Marquis and their descendants are sometimes referred to as the Marquis or Marcus Fergusons. Details on them are not included here.
Please Note: The spelling of names beginning with Mc or Mac used in this tree is based on the spelling used by the individual at the end of his or her life. None of the family who died before 1910 seem to have used the MacPHAIL spelling. All used McPHAIL. My own great-grandmother McPHAIL, a widow, insisted to her dying day in 1924, that her name was McPHAIL and that she was not changing the spelling to that used by her children!
Comments, additions and revisions to this tree are most welcome. Please send to
John M. Collins
Dated: 2003-07-22
#807 - 1285 Sandy Lane
Sarnia, Ont. N7V 4J7
email: John M. Collins - jcollins@xcelco.on.caThe Ferguson's of Hampton
Fourth Generation
38. Catherine McPHAIL (Malcolm3, John2, Alexander ?1). Born abt spring 1790 in Kilninian & Kilmore Parish, Mull. Catherine was baptized in Killiemor, Kilninian & Kilmore Parish, Mull, on 5 Sep 1790. Catherine died in Hampton, Lot 29, PEI, abt 1850; she was 60. Buried in Argyle Shore Cem. Religion: Ch. Of Scot. User ID: MP1142.
To Argyle Shore, PEI in 1810 with her parent(s).
On 12 Nov 1810 when Catherine was 20, she married Peter FERGUSON, son of Archibald FERGUSON (1738/39-aft 1785), in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Charlotte Town. Born in 1769/70 in Ulva, Mull, Argyll, Scot. Peter died in Hampton, Lot 29, PEI, bef Jul 1868; he was 99. Buried in Argyle Shore Cem.
- To Hampton, PEI in 1810 with brother Donald.
- Peter homesteaded land in Lot 29 at what became the village of Hampton. His 100 acres stretched inland from the Northumberland Straits, and the present day road from Hampton to the shore formed its western boundary. The present day Trans-Canada Highway bisects the property into two nearly equal portions. His brother Donald took up land on the west bank of the DeSable River above the present day crossing of the Trans-Canada Highway. It would appear that enough others took up land in the Hampton - DeSable area that when it came time to acquire lands for Peter's sons, that none was readily available. Peter acquired the 100 ac. property immediately east of CATHERINE's father's homestead on the Argyle Shore which was held by her brother COLIN McPHAIL (MP1143). In time this property was divided north-south between his sons ARCHIBALD (MP11421) and ALLAN (MP11422).
Will dated 4 Mar 1850/ Proved 24 July 1868 on oath of Hector Campbell.
- To son ARCHIBALD 50 ac. freehold in Lot 30 subject to conditions & agreements set forth in agreement dated 23 February 1850 with buildings and appurtenances.
- To son ALLEN 50 ac. freehold in Lot 30 subject to conditions & agreements set forth in agreement dated 15 February 1850 with buildings and appurtenances.
- To son FINLY (sic) the front part of the leasehold farm which I now occupy, from seashore inland to where a small brook crosses it. Includes buildings and appurtenances.
- To son MALCOLM rear portion of leasehold from brook northward. FINLY to have right to cut firewood and posts from MALCOLM land.
- To son PETER. �20 currency when he arrives at 21 years age. To be paid by sons ARCHIBALD, ALLEN, FINLY & MALCOLM equally. PETER is to have 1 ac. of land out of MALCOLM land if he askes for it, along the main road. To be used for building a workshop and no other purpose.
- To daughter NANCY �4 currency annually paid by rents paid by ARCHIBALD & ALLEN in Lot 30 as long as she lives.If NANCY marries or dies, rents to be paid to other unmarried daughters.
- Son FINLY shall allow my daughters NANCY, MARY & CHRISTY to live with him on the old homestead as long as they remain unmarried.
- Daughter ISABELLA, wife of Archibald McKennon, to receive 5 sheep, having received a cow at her marriage.
- Daughter CATHERINE, wife of Neil Darrach, to receive 5 sheep, she also having received a cow at her marriage.
- Each of daughters Nancy, MARY and CHRISTY one milk cow and 5 sheep as soon as convenient.
- If unmarried daughters disagree with FINLY, then FINLY & MALCOLM to build a house for them and continue to support them.
- The increase in stock shall belong to FINLY.
- To daughters NANCY, MARY & CHRISTY each one bed and bedding.
- To son MALCOLM when he goes to live by himself 1 Horn (cattle), 2 cows and 5 sheep from that held by FINLY.
- FINLY to have balance of stock, farm implements, house and furniture.
- Appoint sons FINLY & MALCOLM as executors.
Peter Ferguson made his mark witnessed by Hector Campbell, Finly Ferguson who made his mark & Thomas Tod. NB The ommission of his wife CATHERINE from this will implies her prior death.
They had the following children:
67 i. Archibald (1813->1901)
68 ii. Allan (1814-1895)
69 iii. Ann (NANCY) (1818-1911)
70 iv. Flora (1819-1907)
71 v. Isabella (1821-1914)
72 vi. Catherine (~1823-1906)
73 vii. N(eil?) FINDLAY (1825-1904)
74 viii. Mary (1828-1928)
75 ix. Malcolm (1830-1909)
76 x. Christy (1833-1931)
77 xi. Peter (1835-)
J.J. MacEachern gave a marriage date of 12 Nov. 1810. If correct, then they married not long after they arrived on PEI. Four vessels are known to have got to Charlottetown in September 1810. This 'speed' implies that they either knew one another back on Mull at Tobermory or met on the same ship to PEI.
With a marriage at that time, it would have been conducted in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Charlotte Town by Rector Theophilus DesBrisay. Families arriving in September 1810 would not have gone to live on their lots before winter set in.
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