IRC Chat Hints and Guidelines

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By Marge Reid - [email protected]

In response to my asking Marge whether she could make up a list of hints and guidelines for chat users, Marge, an experienced IRC user has the following for you!

IRC is a wonderful resource for Family Historians, but it CAN be a bit overwhelming for Newbies.

Now, as some people can attest, I personally spend a LOT of time in chat channels - here's some hints that may make the chat experience more productive AND more fun!

There are two general types of chat channels - one kind is "scheduled", the other is "open". We'll talk about "scheduled chats" first.

A "scheduled chat" has a TOPIC. It's "organized". The Moderator or person "running" the chat, has a plan - perhaps it's a particular topic like "Using PEI Land Records". There may even be "guest experts" in the channel, who have important information to share with everyone.

Now, imagine the chaos in such an scheduled chat if everyone is "talking" at the same time!

Marge ("MsMarge")

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Last Updated: 08/14/2000 6:15:12 PM
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