Submitted by Anne Brooks - [email protected] See Anne's "The Descendants of John Brooks - of Murray Harbour"
Lauretta BROOKS (1882 - 1964) of Murray Harbour, P.E.I., daughter of John MACHON and Mary Ann MOORE, kept a personal diary between the years 1929 and 1959. She meticulously wrote daily, recording any and all events pertaining to her life, her community, and sometimes, to the world at large. The original diaries were written on a total of 42 lined school scribblers. Between 1929 and 1942 she included a summary paragraph at the end of most months which generally included the highlights of that month. The following transcription is of those summary paragraphs. I have transcribed it exactly as written, and thus there is some inconsistency in format, use of abbreviations, and spelling of surnames. I have capitalized surnames for ease of reading.
Anne (Nosworthy) Brooks.1929
January 1929
Almost everybody has had the "Flu". We did not get it yet.
Sophia BOYLE died sometime before the 27th. of January.
Mrs. Charlie MACHON died Dec 29, 1928 at 77 years.
Julian HERRING and Helen CAMPBELL married Dec. 30, 1928.February 1929
H.E. BREHAUT bought a western mare sometime this month.
Bob MACHON bought a French Canadian stallion and brought him home March 2nd.
Mrs. Harvey BISHOP died Feb 4th. at 92.
Hector GILIS died Feb 5th.. 15 years old.
Harold JORDAN and Lexie DAVIDSON married Feb 14th.
Millburn DIXON died Feb 23rd.March 1929
A lovely sunny month but roads broke up about the middle of the month. Cars running nearly all the time.
Bill for building of new T. B. Sanatorium passed in the House of Commons (House of Commons crossed out) Provincial L. A.
Standardization of M. H. road promised to be completed in 1930.
Hon. John R. KIELY, Barrister & Attorney becomes Chief of Justice Supreme Court of Tacoma, Washington, U.S.A.
Will DERBY and Margie BREHAUT married Mar 20th.
Sarah A. GLOVER, Providence, died March 17th. At 69 years.
Ray STEWART's baby died March 30th. , 7 months.April 1929
Everett CRAWFORD died sometime the latter part of the month.
H. E. BREHAUT sold his Western mare to Hilton HOWE and bought an ordinary horse.
Calvin MCLEOD, M. River, married to Miss MUNN, April 3rd. .
John T. HERRING buried April 27th., aged 62.
Rankin BELL's baby buried April 28th. .May 1929
Harold JORDAN'S wife had son in P.E.I. Hos. about May 20th. (Harry Sheldon).
Lorne STEWART failed to get a certificate in PWC exams but succeeded in License exam.July 1929
A terrible drought. Things are almost burned up for want of rain. Lots of people are done haying. Poor crop in general.
Vivian RICHARDS married about July 24th. to Jim CONNERS.
August 1929
Vivian Richards CONNERS had baby last week in August.September 1929
Dorothy Jean DERBY born Sept 9th. 1929.
Dr. S. R. JENKINS died Sept 15, aged 71 years.
Andrew BELL's deformed boy died Sept 23rd.October 1929
Arb BULL sold half his house to Preston and had it hauled to Ben DAVEY'S farm, north of road.
Humphrey MOORE and Louise KENNEDY married Oct 23rd. .29.November 1929
Rouls PORTER's boy died, 9 years.
Chester LELACHEUR and Margie MACHON married Nov 20th. 29.
Horase HYDE's baby born last week in Nov.December 1929
Earl NICOLLE & Lucy WHITE married Dec 4th..
Rev. GOUDGE flagged in with scarlet fever, Dec 4th..
Primary Dept of School closed for Measles Dec 4th..
Began to haul mud Dec 16th..
Mrs. Abe WILLIAMS died Dec 18th..
Laura NICOLLE & Sam BECK married Dec 11th..
Freeman BUELL & Annie Laura BECK married Dec 18th..
John STEWARTS quarantined for Diphtheria Dec 27th..
Charlie SENSEBAUGH died Dec 24th..
Mrs. James RICHARDS, Gladstone, died Dec 27th..
Rev. GOUDGE's quarantine lifted Dec 31st..
Marion HUGH & Malcolm F. MCLEOD married Dec 31st..
Lorne STEWART failed to pass 2nd. year Christmas exams.1930
January 1930
Bethesda GIDDINGS buried at M. River Jan 31st.. Died in Prov.
Wendall Alfred, son of Ray and Isabelle STEWART born Jan 23rd..
Roland LELACHEUR and Mildred WHITE married Jan 1st. 1930 by Rev. T.R. GOUDGE.
Fred LELACHEUR had cook-house hauled over home to make fox houses.
Etta MURLEY and Ewan YOUNG, Iris, married last of Dec. or first of Jan.
John STEWART's Diphtheria quarantine lifted Jan 11th..
Lorne STEWART began to teach, First School, in Abney Jan.14th..
Dan HORTON and Hazel SHARAM married 2nd. week Jan.
Cpt. Mark BONNELL married about same time.
Mrs.. John RICHARDS died Jan 20th..
Mrs. Watson BELL died Jan 23; buried Jan 26 by Rev. THOMAS, Wood Islands.February 1930
Arbott Bruce, son of Arbott and Eva BUELL born Feb 13th.. , 30.
Sold 32 chickens to Island C. S. Co. through R. P. BROOKS. 81lbs. @ .21; 50lbs @ .27 & 21 lbs. @ .18: $35.91 in all. Settled at R .P's. Feb 11th.. Sold 21 fowl to I. C. S. Co. thro R. P. BROOKS. 14, 72lbs. @ .24: $17.28; 7, 29 lbs. @ .20. $23.08 in all. Sold Ray's six pigs to R. P. BROOKS. 132, 127, 125, 124 @ 16 ½ per lb.; 104, 103 @ .16 per lb.: $116.94.March 1930
Caleb JORDAN died Mar. 4th. aged 87 years; buried from Baptist church by Rev. T.R. GOUDGE, March 6th..
Mark SENSEBAUGH died of heart failure Mar. 23rd..
John took sick with measles Mar 19th. , Fred Mar 20th. , Ray Mar 24th., Verna Mar 25th. .
Mark SENSEBAUGH buried Mar 28th. aged 72 yrs.April 1930
Thomas George HAYTER died on Alliston Road from heart failure near Leverett ACORN's
Friday Apr. 4th about 10 p.m. Buried from Baptist ch M. River Apr. 8, by Rev. ARMSTRONG.
Mrs. Hiram HYDE died in Boston about middle of April. Body not interred here.
Roads opened to cars April 17th..
Lila Louise, daughter of Milton and Ethel HOWE born April 30th.May 1930
Alex MCINNIS, Pt. Pleasant, lost house by fire May 3rd..
John MCKAY, Murray River (George's son) buried May 8th. .
Ferne Alice, daughter of Milton and Louise CHAPMAN, born May 6th.
Rev. Allister MURRAY inducted into Caledonia congregation May 7th.
Diphtheria Toxoid Clinic held at Murray Harbour May 20th.
(First inoculation ) 2nd June 10th. .
Florence Alberta, daughter of Sam and Bessie PROWSE born May 15th..June 1930
Austin BELL (Ott) and Sadie MCLEOD married June 2nd. 1930.
Donald [blank] son of Rev. and Mrs. GOUDGE born June 10, 1930.
Mrs. Annabella GORDON died of Pneumonia and was buried from "Kirk" Murray River, June 13th..
Ed JORDAN had arm broken June 9th.
Keith Emerson, son of Chester and Margie LELACHEUR born June 12th..
Elda Elizabeth, daughter of John J. and Addie MCKAY, born June 20th..
Rev. Harry J. SCHIEDEMANTLE and Gladys BURRIER married June 24th..July 1930
Mrs. John SENCABAUGH, M. H. North, died July 18th. 1930, aged 104 yrs. 5 mos. and 17 days.
Roulston PORTER's house and barn (Old Lloyd place) burned July 1st.
Norrine HERRING died July 4th., 8 a.m. aged 19.
Att BELL's house burned (old Johnston place) July 4th.
Whitney BREHAUT, Neil MCKAY and Whitten HERRING put new culvert in road west of J. F. HERRINGs and widened road 2nd. week of July.
Mrs. J. STEWART went to visit Cora, Savage Harbor, July 3rd.. I went to Iris. Convention July 10th.. Met Mrs. st. ? in 'Town. Jardine took us to Sav. Har. July 12th. and brought us home P.M.
Jim WHITE's foal from "Tip" born July 11th. 1930.
Clifford JACKSON and May CLOW married July 16th., 1930.
Mrs. Roddie KEENAN died July 23rd. in P.E.I Hospital following op. (aged 59 yrs).
Agustus BRENNAN died July 27th. aged 78 years.August 1930
Abraham BONNELL, supervisor of Falconwood Hospital for over 40 years buried Aug 1st.
Ben REYNOLDS, M. Har. N. died Aug 12th. aged 81 yrs.
Sold 7 ½ lbs. butter .30 per lb.
Got wool cheque .13 lb. at Grading sta. Full payment.
Eggs advanced to .18 .21 & .25
James MURPHY, Prop. Sturgeon Carding mill, died 3 am from injuries received in car accident on Sat. Aug. 23rd. .aged about 45 years.
Archie MCNEILL, Little Sands, died Aug. 29, age 70 ? Buried Sunday Aug 31st (Rev M.D. MCDONALD).September 1930
Fred BECK's springs are dry; never happened before.
Rev. Bruce MUIR retired pastor of St. James, Pres. Church, Ch.Town, died Sept 4th. aged 63yrs.
Mrs. John Dan MCLEOD died Sept 15th. aged 48 ? Funeral in Baptist ch. M. River, Wed. Sept 17th. ARMSTRONG [officiating].
Whitney BREHAUT and Lizzie MCPHEE married Sept 10th. 1930, at Caledonia Manse by Rev. Allister MURRAY.
Henry HAYTER came home with Moth Aeroplane Sept 18th.. Stayed about a week.
Pearl COOPER died Sept 22nd. aged 19 years. Buried Sept 24th. (Rev. GOUDGE)
George HERRING and Addie MOORE married Sept 27th. in Ch'town by Rev. A.C. VINCENT.October 1930
John BRENNAN found dead in bed at Souris Oct 4th. aged 78; buried in Sturgeon Oct 6th .
British derigible R101 wrecked by explosion and burned with 48 of her passengers and crew while flying over France en route to India, Oct. 5th..
Anna May HABERLIN and Harry VANIDERSTINE married Oct 8th. by Dr. VINCENT.
[blank] son of Ervert and Florence KEEPING born Oct 8th. 1930.
Montague PIGGOT, Mt. Stewart, died Oct 10th. aged 76.
Freeman Murray, son of Wm. and Adelaide MCDONALD, born Oct 9th. 1930.
John HINGLEY died Oct 26th. aged [blank]. Funeral United ch. Oct. 28th.. Rev T.R. GOUDGE.
Elmer JORDAN and Celise JENKINS married Nov 29th. by Dr. VINCENT, Ch' town.
8 Kittens died the last week in Nov.November 1930
Nelda Gertrude, daughter of Charles and Marion RICHARDS, born Oct 30th. 1930.
Cora Janette, daughter of Whitten and Viola HERRING, born Nov. 5th..
Lester BUELL bought second hand Ford car Nov 18th..
Nelson KENNEDY died Nov 29th in Ch'town; buried in Montague Dec 2nd. 1930.
F. W. LELACHEUR, Tom DAVEY, & Geo DAVEY shingled west roof of root-house and patched other roofs.December 1930
Fletcher JORDAN (Richard's son) died Dec 6th. 1930. Buried from Baptist ch. M.H. Dec 12th. Rev. R.T. GOUDGE.
Mrs. Dr. MACINTOSH, M. River, died Dec 6th. Buried Dec 8th. in Murray Harbor Cemetery; aged 66 yrs.
William Fustian, son of W. and Margie DERBY, born Dec 7th.
Wallace SCANTLEBURY and Rebecca COOK married Dec 11th.
Leonard BREHAUT and Louise HERRING married Dec 18th.
Mrs. John MACKENZIE, Cape Bear, died Dec 22nd. Buried Dec 24th. by Rev. Allister MURRAY.
James PENNY & and Mrs. Sarah FRASER married Dec 23rd. .
[blank] son of Ott and Sadie BELL born one of last days of December.January 1931
Mrs. Mary NICOLLE died Jan 1st (Dec 31st at 9.30 pm), aged 85; buried by Rev. A. Murray, Jan 3rd.
Florence Mabey, daughter of Clarence and Mrs. CUDDY, born Dec. 29th 1930.
Henry PENNY died Jan 21st aged 58, buried from Baptist ch. by Rev. Goudge, Jan 22nd.
Earl BUELL and Leilla KENNEDY married Jan 22nd.February 1931
29th. Audrey PROWSE�s birthday party. Train got in, away for a week.
Albert McNEILL and Julia Gillis JORDAN married Feb 3rd by Rev A.C. Vincent, Ch�town.
Thomas BECK died Feb 10th. Buried by Rev. T. R. Goudge, from Bap ch. Feb 12th aged 75 years.
Price of eggs Feb 3rd. 15 � 19 � 22 c.
Mrs. George McLEOD died, at her son Joe�s, Feb 26th aged 79; buried from Baptist ch. Feb 28th by Rev Allister Murray.
300 Loads mud home last of February.
Charlotte HAWKINS (Mrs. Ed McGREGOR) died in Prov. R. I. Feb 27th 1931.March 1931
John WINSLOW 73 yrs old, March 7th 1931.
Peter BREHAUT 61 years old March 11th 1931.
Preston BUELL�s house burned down Mar 19th 1931.
Cecil PENNY and Celia RICHARDS married in �town Mar 23rd.
Mrs. Janet MOORE 89 years old March 27th. ; Will WHITE 50?
Thos. HABERLIN died in Ch�town March 25th aged 78 yrs. Buried from Basilica to R.C. Cemetery Mar 27th.April 1931
Mrs. Ruth Young LORD, M. River buried April 1st.
Mrs. James SANDERS buried Apr. 2nd.
A prenuptial shower for Edith PROWSE was held at her mother�s home April 22nd 1931.
Albert and Julia Jordan McNEILL�s first baby born Apr. 15th.
Mrs. Clifford JACKSON died April 25th.
Clifford JACKSON�s baby born April 15th .
Ewan Lauchlau? , son of Clarence CUDDY died April 27th , age 7; buried Apr. 27th by a "Go preacher".
Shipped 10 prs. pigs to Alex T. CAMPBELL, Cape Breton, April 25th $8.00 per pr.May 1931
John Clayton, son of Roland and Mildred LELACHEUR born May 4th 1931.
Received cheque of $80.00 from A.T. CAMPBELL, Cape Breton for 20 young pigs, May 7th.
Frank REYNOLDS died in P.E.I. Hospital May 10th aged 21; buried May 12th from United Ch. by Rev. T.R. Goudge.
Mrs. Henry SENECEBAUGH (Jessie BREHAUT) died May 17th age 69; buried May 19th from house.
Edith PROWSE and Albert PHILLIPS married May 23/31.
Tom HAYTER and Agnes BUELL married May 9th 1931.June 1931
Mrs. St. and I went to sch. closing June 30th. Murray Harbour. Prin. C.H. RICHARDS. Intermediate. Wilfred McLEAN. Primary Geo. FRASER (Montague).July 1931
31st John Robert BUELL and Hazen MOORE lost their barns by fire through the night.August 1931
Blanche BROOKS and Roy PROWSE married Aug 1st 8 a.m. at Parsonage by Rev. T.R. Goudge.
[blank] son of Fred and Margaret McLEOD born Aug 9th.
[blank] son of Ray and Isabelle STEWART born Aug 11th.September 1931
Rev. M.D. McDONALD died in P.E.I. Hos. Sept 1st age 63. Buried Sept 3rd from Belle River United Ch. to M. River Cemetery.
Mrs. William BUELL (Sarah McNEILL) died Sept 3rd age 53; buried from her home Sept 7th Service by Rev. T.R. Goudge.
[blank] son of Arbott and Eva BUELL born Sept 10th 1931.
[blank] son of Earl and Lucy NICOLLE born Sept 15th 1931.
Frank JACKSON�s baby buried Sept 23rd at 4 mos.
Alberta Agnes GOURLEY and Lloyd Kenneth FERGUSON married Sept 28th 1931.
Boarded Robert MILLER, $4.50 per week. J. A. McSWAIN, Cliff JACKSON and Silas McKAY. Dinner 25 cents; and supper 20 cents; J. A.�s lunch 10 cents.October 1931
F. W. LELACHEUR got caught in spindle in factory and dislocated shoulder Oct 14th 1931.
Thomas Alva EDISON died Oct 18th 1931 aged 84 years.
George McKAY, Murray River, died Oct 25th buried Oct 28th aged about 88 years.
Mrs. Ben BREHAUT (Hannah COOK) died in Chelsea Mass. Oct 28th aged 75 years.November 1931
Stanley BUELL�s store burned Nov 2nd 1931.
[blank] daughter of Cecil and Celia PENNY born Nov 2nd , 31.
Arbott BUELL�s house burned Nov 14th.
Murdock STEWART and Audrey HAYS married Nov 14th ,31.
Shower for Murdock STEWART at hotel Nov 18th.
Closed starch factory Nov 19th.
John MURDOCK died in Calgary, Alta. Nov 16th aged 50.
Roland McPHERSON and Laura ROBERTS married Nov 21st.
Elva [blank] daughter of Peter and Minnie WHITE, born Nov 22nd .
Harold WHITE, son of Laura WHITE died Nov 24th aged 3 � years.December 1931
Rural telephone line no. 5 hooked up for service Dec 5th 1931.
Mrs. Jennie KEEPING died Dec 6th aged 74 years.
Robert CLOUSTON died Dec 9th at W. IRVING�s house; buried M.H. N. Dec 11th aged 88 years.
Falconwood hospital burned to the ground, Dec 14th; 8 lives lost.
Jarvis? And Ac???? DERBY celebrated 60th anniversary of that marriage Dec.16th. Both hale and hearty.
Jennie RICHARDS and Lester BEATON married Dec 9th 1931.
Lester WHITE and Carrie DORT married Dec 19th (T. R. Goudy).
James F. HERRING had 55th B. day party Dec 22nd 1931.1932
January 1932
Mrs. James MCKAY died Jan 2nd. at 10 p.m. Aged 79. Buried 4th.
Duncan MCCANNELL (Murray River) died Jan 4th. Buried Jan 6th.
Arthur FERGUSON and Jim HOOPER came across from Pictou Island in motor boat Jan 8th. No ice in straits.
Mrs. John DARCY (Christy) died Jan 20th.
Mrs. James H. LELACHEUR (Celia MACHON) died Jan 22nd. Age 48 yrs, 10 mos.
F. W. LELACHEUR went to town with car to meet Florence Jan 23rd.February 1932
Big Murdock MCLEAN, et?? piper, died Feb 1st.
Henry Boyd, son of Leonard and Louise BREHAUT born Feb 4th.
Prince of Wales College burned Feb 6th.
Rustico convent burned Feb. 9th.
James HESSIAN and 3 other men killed in train wreck, Feb 21st. Harris JORDAN and Muriel BUELL married Feb 26th. at her home by Rev. T. R. GOUDGE.
Hauled 91 loads of mud and stumps from Pt. week of Feb 21st.
Sam PROUSE’s house caught fire Feb. 28th. Outside, not much damage.March 1932
S.Q.T. concert held March 1st.. Full hall; adm. 10 and 15 cents; door receipts $22. Boxes. Bartholomew LELACHEUR died March 1st.. Buried Mar. 3rd.. Aged 88 yrs.
Gertie WHITE and Walter S. WEEKS, Fredericton, PEI, married Mar. 9th.
William Ewart, only son of Ewart and Florence KEEPING, died Mar 8th. Age 17 months.
Fay Lorraine, daughter of Elmer and Elsie STEWART, born Mar. 18th.
[blank] son of Wallace and Lois HUME ? born Mar.19th.
Mrs. Will MOORE (Iris) died Mar. 18th.. Age 82 yrs. 1 month.April 1932
J. VANIDERSTINE opened ice cream store.
First car here C. F. RICHARDS.
Mrs. Charles MOORE (Muriel DERBY) died in Prov. Sanitorium, April 7th..Aged 19; buried from M. R. United Ch. Apr. 10th. by Rev. T. R. GOUDGE.
John JORDAN up from Montague with car Apr. 17th.
Had 16 good chicks from 143 eggs in incubator April 19th.
Shipped 5 prs. pigs to Alex CAMPBELL Ap 25th.; $5.00 per pr.
Sold 9 prs to Wallie WHITE Ap. 29th.; $5.00 per pr.May 1932
Lorne Edison, son of Roland and Laura MCPHERSON born May 16th.
Set incubator for C. LELACHEUR night of May 17th.June 1932
George HARRIS died June 4th. of cancer at Vernon JORDON’s. Funeral held June 6th. and body taken in motor boat to New Glasgow, N.S. for burial June 7th.
Peter IRVING died June 15th. Aged 38 yrs.
King Cuthbert, son of Nell and Chester LELACHEUR’s horse, born June 25th.
Stanley BUELL and Margaret BUELL married June 22nd.
Price of eggs in circle June 21st. 6, 9, 12 cents.
Hortan? MCLEOD and Florence MURDOCK, M. River married June 22nd. ( T. R. GOUDGE).July 1932
Arbott BUELL bought farm at Mermaid July 5th.
Isabel Mildred, daughter of Whitney and Lizzie BREHAUT, born July 8th.
Ray [blank], son of Robert and Christie MACHON, born July 10th.
Arbott BUELL and family moved to Mermaid July 15th.
Robert MILLER married last week of July (25th. written on top) to Florence MACWILLIAMS (St. Avards)?
Edna HUGH and David VANIDERSTINE married July 29th.August 1932
William MATHESON and James HUME, Iris, drowned at Floating Bridge Aug 10th. (crossed out and replaced with 17th.
Lizzie DERBY and Fred NICHOLSON married Aug 24th.
[blank] daughter of Harris and Muriel JORDAN born Aug 31st. in PEI Hospital.September 1932
Elizabeth Margaret, daughter of Chester and Marjorie MACHON (MACHON crossed out) LELACHEUR above, born Sept 9th.
Mrs. Maria ROBERTS died Sept 21st. Aged 93 years.
Lame? Jim BUELL’s barn and outbuildings burned night of Sept 27th.October 1932
Horace HYDE’s vessel wrecked off Guernsey Cove Oct 13th.
James DERBY and Margaret HABERLIN married Oct 26th.
Russell BUELL and Blanche BUELL married about middle of the month.
Allan MCLEOD & [blank] POULTON married Oct 31st.November 1932
Benjamin BECK (White Sands) died in PEI Hospital Nov 23rd. Aged 60 yrs.
Enman HERRING and Dorothy BURNS married Nov 16th.December 1932
Maurice (Maurice crossed out) Morris Brehaut DERBY born Dec 5th.1933
January 1933
Price of oats 25 cents per bush. Smelts 2 ½ cents per lb.
Jan 10th. sold 6 carcases of pork to R. P. BROOKS 110: 120: 130: 144: 147: 153: = 812 lbs @ 3 ¾ cents per lb $30.45.
Laurie GORDON and Mary GORMAN ? married Jan 13th.
Cora JARDINE operated on for tumor in PEI Hos. June 17th.
Mrs. Reuben CAHOON died Jan 22nd. aged 76 years, buried Jan 24th. by Rev. Mr. VINCENT, Ch’Town.
Leeler ? BECK and Clarence LOWE married Jan 22nd. ( 22nd. crossed out ) 21st. written above.
Emily GORDON died in Falconwood, Jan 26th. Aged 44.
Katie May BUELL died in Falconwood, Jan 26th.
Mrs. Robert DIXON died Jan 30th. about 91. Service at house by J. R. GOUDGE. Buried at Belfast.February 1933
Violet GORMLEY died Feb 21st aged 26 years.March 1933
Neil GIDDINGS dropped dead March 4th. in his 79th. year. Funeral services at house Mar. 8th. Conducted by Rev. T. R. GOUDGE.
Archibald MCINNIS died at Warren BREHAUT’s Mar. 11th. Aged 93.5 mos. Buried at Caledonia Mar. 13th. by Rev. A. Murray; Service at BREHAUT’s, T. R. GOUDGE.
May JORDAN and Preston DONOVAN married March 21st.
[blank] son of Clarence and Leclie? LOWE born about Mar. 28th.April 1933
[blank] daughter of Elmer ? and Alice JORDON born Apr 13th.
Louis BREHAUT died at Lorin’s, Geo.Town Royalty Ap. 30th.May 1933
Laurence Ray, son of Rev. T. R. and Mrs. GOUDGE born May 5th.
Mrs. Isaac KIRBY died May 10th.
Spurgeon JENNICKS ? died May 16th. Service in United Church May 17th. conducted by Louis HARRIS and T. R. GOUDGE. Buried M. H. Cemetery.
Ray received 5-9 weeks old pullets from John WOODS, Bloomfield Sta. N.B.; 65 cents each. Express charges $1.45, May 19th.
Capt. Sampson BOWDRIDGE had stroke May 21st. Died May 23rd. Aged 82 yrs and 6 mos. Funeral service in Baptist Ch. May 25th. Rev. Pyke, GOUDGE, and ARMSTRONG. M. H. Cemetery.
Callum? BRUCE drowned in Ch.Town May 26th.
William BEARS, M. River, died May 26th.June 1933
Mrs. Lem BUELL died June 4th. Buried June 6th. by Rev. T. R. GOUDGE; service in U? C h.
Dan J. MACDONALD died in PEI Hospital June 10th. Buried in Murray River Cemetery, June 13th. (J. R. GOUDGE).
Mrs. John NICOLLE (Gladstone) died June 21st. Buried June 23rd. M. H. Cemetery. Rev. Allister MURRAY.July 1933
R.G. BROOKS, W. HORTON and Belinda and Marion here in p.m. on July 10th.August 1933
Aug 4th. District Convention of W. I. in High Bank Hall.
Aug 6th. Will ROBIN died in PEI Hospital aged 76.
Aug 8th. Will ROBIN’s funeral service in U. Ch. Div. Burial service “at grave” written above burial service.
A. D. MCDONALD fell off load of hay and badly hurt (finished hay).
Aug 9th. G. Div. at Cherry Hill, Aug 9th. Truck load went.
Aug 10th Spencer SHARAM’s daughter born and Mrs. Reuben MACHON operated on for stoppage of bowels.
No rain, everything dying for water.
Diary now begins at January 19351935
January 1935
Myrtle DUNN and Freeman WHITE married Dec 8th. 1934.
Frances MACKAY and John MASHON married Dec 10th. 1934.
Jan 1st. Harry CLEMENTS bought brood sow. $13.00 (bred).
Jan 4th. Iva MACKENZIE went to PEI Hospital for x-ray. Operated on 7th.
Jan 6th. Simon JORDAN aged 45 ? years and 10 mos. Buried Jan 9th. Rev. ARMSTRONG. Service at Christian church and short ser. at house.
Jan 11th. Perley BUELL died aged 36 years 3 mos; buried Jan 14th. Service from house. T. R. GOUDGE officiating . Ray one of pall-bearers.
Jan 16th. Mollie cat died age 17 at least.
Jan 16th. Shower for Bertha and Silas MACKAY at Chapman’s. (alum. kettle).
Jan 19th. Iva MACKENZIE came home.
Jan 28th. Myrtle Dunn WHITE died aged 26. Funeral service at Baptist church Jan 30th . Rev. T.R. GOUDGE officiating. John one of pall-bearers.
Jan 28th. William COOPER had slight stroke.February 1935
William COOPER went to hospital Feb 9th.
Mrs. Celina JOHNSTONE went asleep on Thursday 7th. and did not waken until Saturday 9th.
Feb 16th. Took Harper MACKAY to hospital.
Warren BREHAUT went to hospital about Feb 4th. and to San a week later.
Feb 8th. Gertrude Penelope, daughter of Whitten and Viola HERRING, home.
Feb 18th. Shower for John and Francis MACHON at Arthur WHITE’s. T. cloth.
Feb 19th. Shower at Ed. HABERLINS for Jessie BUELL.
Feb 21st. Lizzie HAWKINS died aged 88; buried Sat 23rd. T. R. GOUDGE officiating, none of us to funeral.
Feb 25th. William COOPER home from hospital. Millie came to nurse him.
Feb 22nd. Shower at Ern BELL’s for Percy and Lois, none of us invited.
Feb 27th. Harper MACKAY had slight operation.March 1935
Mar 2nd. Pearl [blank], eldest daughter of David and Edna VANIDERSTINE, born.
Mar 5th. John MACINTOSH died at Parmalee MACLURE’s.
Mar 11th. Harper MCKAY died in PEI Hospital, aged 38; body brought home Mar. 12th only Fred there. T. R. GOUDGE.
Mar 9th. Whitten HERRING went to hospital for angina.
Mar 18th. Mrs. Celina JOHNSON went to hospital for mastoid treatment.
Mar 19th. Shower for Mrs. Peter IRVING at Reuben PENNY’s (bag of flour); J. went.
Mar 25th. Shower for Whitten HERRING at Luther’s (75 lbs of flour); no-one went from here.
Mar 30th. Charlie RICHARDS moved in his new house.
Mar 30th. Whitten HERRING came home from hospital.
Mar 29th. Chas Dunnsford ? son of Willard and Minnie LA-K? born.
Mar 9th. Wm HABERLIN died in Seattle, Wash, aged 69 years.April 1935
Aunt Maggie took slight stroke some time around first of April.
April 2nd. Doris MACLEOD and Jack FERGUSON married. T. R. GOUDGE.
April 8th. Glen JOHNSON and others went to Hos. to give his mother transfusion.
April 15th. Jos. BROOKS died in [blank], Mass.
April 16th. Doris REYNOLDS taken to hospital from Cundall Home and operated on.
April 17th. Earle PENNY died in Pro. San. Body brought home Apr. 18th. Funeral Apr. 19th from United Ch. T. R. GOUDGE.
April 20th. Jess (mare) died aged 19 years and nine months.
April 30th. Ray went to Horace WHITE’s to work.
April 19th. Rev. Dr. John PRINGLE died in Lowell, Mass. Hospital, aged 83 yrs. Buried in Sydney, C. B. Apr. 23rd. Funeral service broadcast.May 1935
31st Mrs. Eliza SENSEBAUGH and Mrs. Ern BELL here to spend the afternoon.
May 14th. Neil Peter MACWILLIAM died in PEI Hospital.
May 15th. Norman WHITE, M. River, died aged 78 years.
May 12th. Mrs. Alma JOHNSTONE came home to Peter Rd. from PEI Hospital.
May 19th. Mrs. Anne CAHOON died.
May 21st. Malcolm Thomas 4th son of Rev. T. R. and Mrs. GOUDGE born.
May 27th. Ruth Florence, eldest daughter of Ray and Isobel STEWART born.June 1935
June 5th. Melvin HOOPER died age 20; buried June 7th. 10 a.m. Rev. Mr. ARMSTRONG officiating.
June 6th Mrs. Hannah Hugh HERRING’s body brought home; funeral June 7th. 2 p.m. Rev. ARMSTRONG officiating.
June 11th. Congregational meeting of Pres. con. held in Baptist Ch for purpose of preparing a call to Rev. R. H. Stavert. Rev. J. H. Douglass, M. H. North moderating.
June 12th. Aunt Maggie came home accompanied by Gertie TAUTON.
June 14th. Cyclone with big hail storm at Albany PEI.
June 21st. Police officers WATSON and EDWARDS took Kennie MCLEOD to Informs ??July 1935
July 2nd. Walter FRASER, Sr. died. Buried July 4th. Rev. Britton.
July 2nd. Mrs. Luther JORDAN died. Buried June 5th. Rev. C. A. Britton.
July 3rd. ROEBUSK ? off dredge while at New Wharf; died of poisoning in King’s Co. Hos., age 70.
July 3rd. Mrs. Peter BREHAUT operated on for appendicitis in Mont. Hos.
July 6th. Thomas GOSBEE, Sr. died. Buried July 7th. Service M. H. Baptist Ch. Rev. Bretton and Rev. GOUDGE. Aged 84.
July 7th. Henry SHARRAM died aged 86.
July 11th. Reuben MOORE, Sr. dropped dead.
July 17th. Mrs. Freeman REYNOLDS, M. River, died.
July 24th. Ralph [blank], second son of Chester and Margie LELACHEUR, born.August 1935
Convention in Ch church ? began Thursday night, Aug 1st. until Sunday night.
Agnes LIVINGSTON went to PEI hospital Aug 5th.
Division picnic held in Percy SHARAM’s field. G.stone Aug 7th.
Just. Picnic at Ex. Farm ? Aug 13th. Went with F.W. LaLacheur.
William COOPER died Aug 16th. Funeral service 17th. Buried 18th.
Presbyterian Ch re-opened Aug 18th. STAVERT, HUGHES, ARMSTRONG, and BRITTEN there. Collection $46.00
[blank] Harold HERRING died, buried from U. Ch. Aug 30th.
Jack WINSLOE and Violet BROOKS married Aug 31st.September 1935
Sept 2nd. Elsie Gordon LECCO’s little girl died, aged 15 month. Lou HARRIS buried her.
Sept 4th. Leigh NICOLLE’s oldest boy, Jarvis, died in Kings Co. Hospital, aged 13.
Sept 21st. Mrs. (Dr.) Len BREHAUT’s funeral held from Kirk, M. River.
Sept 19th. Jas. HERRING began put culvert in west of factory; finished Sept 27th; four men.
Emerson MACLEOD and Irene ADAMS married Sept 25th.
Ernest POOLE and Margaret WHITE married Sept 28th. Rev T.R.G.
Ray STEWART’s little boy operated on in Mon. Hospital for hernia Sept 27th.October 1935
Oct 14th. [blank] eldest child of John and Doris FERGUSON born.
November 1935
Nov 11th. Mrs. Jas. HERRING went to PEI Hospital.
Nov 19th. Mrs. Jas. HERRING returned home for 3 mos. in bed.
Nov 22nd. Shower at Colin WHITE’s for Margaret.
Nov. 22nd. John VAN ? very sick last week in November.
Nov 29th. Barbara Anne, first child of E. A. and Grace MACKINNON, born.December 1935
Dec 19th. Johnnie GILLIS died in PEI Hospital age 66.
Dec 27th. Mrs. Sampson BOWBRIDGE took stroke.
Dec 29th. Died aged 77 or 81.
Dec 29th. Mr. BREHOE (Alexandra) died. (Harold BECK’s father) .
Dec 28th. Jos. LIVINGSTONE fell out of loft and broke elbow.1936
January 1936
9th: Mrs. Robert MacKAY, Gladstone, died aged 89. Buried Jan 11th by Lou HARRIS.
15th John BECK and May ROBERTSON married. T. R. Goudge.
19th George BREHAUT died age 91. Buried Jan 21st by Rev. J. R. Goudge.
King George V died Monday, Jan. 20th after a few days illness. Edward VIII proclaimed King. Memorial service in United Ch. 28th 1.30 pm.
Mrs. Lem? MacLEOD buried from United Ch. Jan. 31st.
February 1936
Mrs. Reuben PENNY fell down cellar and broke 3 ribs about 7th Feb.
13th Mrs.. A. P. PROWSE fell down back stairs.
15th Ern? BELL very sick with supposed Acute Indigestion.
25th Mrs. Angus BEATON, Iris, buried by Rev. R. H. Stavert.
28th Colin Hector MacNEILL, Little Sands, went to PEI Hospital for ulcerated stomach.
March 1936
30th James Gordon PENNY died in Antigonish, aged 71; buried there.
14th Telegram saying Prof. Edward JORDAN dead ; came to E. J. LUMSDEN.
14th Play, “Ten Nights in a Bar-Room” put on by S.Q.T.; full house, cleared $42.00
19th : Elliot J. LUMSDEN died of “Flu” (and pneumonia, crossed out). Buried Mar 21st from Baptist Ch. T. R. Goudge at ch. Also S.Q.T. service outside ch. Lou HARRIS read burial service at grave. John one of pall bearers.
20th : Colin H. MacNEILL died in PEI Hospital.
31st : Lorin BREHAUT died aged 50; buried at M. Harbour by Rev. J. Sterling and T. R. Goudge.
April 1936
10th Lorin MacPhee BREHAUT born.
10th [blank] twin daughters of Laurence and Lena STEWART, born.
18th Chas MARTIN, Glen Martin, died aged 67 years.
20th : Lottie HAWKINS died aged 83 ½ yrs.
22nd Twin daughters of Laurence STEWART, White Sands, died.
May 1936
Louis [blank] eldest son of John and May BECK born May 1st.
May 6th Mrs. Alex BELL dropped dead, aged 76.
May 19th Isaac STEWART Sr. died at Montague at P. PROWSE's aged 86. Buried from Pres. Ch. M. Harbor, May 21st. Rev. R. H. Stavert, asst,d by T. R. Goudge.
John Ralph, 3rd son of W. and Margie DERBY born May 29th .
May 30th Ben HAYTER died in aged 62. Buried from Baptist Ch. M. River June 1st.
June 1936
Mill ? STEWART and Melida JORDAN married some time in June.
R. P. BROOKS moved to Prowse’s store 11th 12, 13, June.
July 1936
Whitney BREHAUT manager of Egg Circle this year.
July 18th Will RICHARDS had 40th anniversary of wedding.
July 19th Roddie KEENAN died aged 66. Buried P.M.
July 21st Mrs. Sam HUME? Murray River died age 76.
July 29th Evelyn Marguerite, 3rd daughter of Harris and Muriel JORDAN, born.
August 1936
Aug 6th Sam GIDDINGS died at Oliver’s. Buried Aug 7th from United Ch. By Rev. T. R.Goudge.
Aug 12th Boyd STEWART, 3rd son of C. F. and Marion RICHARDS, born.
Aug 22rd Soloman SENSEBAUGH 69 years old.
September 1936
5th Mary IRVING and Seller MacKAY married by T. R.Goudge.
1st Roy Inman, second son of Inman and Dorothy HERRING, born.
9th Edith June, third daughter of Peter and Minnie ? WHITE born.
9th William BUELL and Clara Gosbee Jackson EMERY ?married.
9th Mrs. John MacKINNON’s body interred at Ch’town (Maggie CAIRNS).
16th Harmon WHITE operated on for appendicitis in Mont. Hos.
16th John Jarvis SMITH, New Perth, hung himself.
16th Melida (Jordan, crossed out) STEWART taken to hospital, PEI.
17th [blank] eldest son of Millburn and Melida STEWART born.
21st [blank] eldest daughter of Earl and Lucy NICOLLE born.
21st [blank] eldest son of Stanford MacKAY born.
20th Lena BELL, Abney, taken to hospital. Came home 21st .
October 1936
7th Roy BELL and Sadie GOSBEE married.
7th Effie HABERLIN went to PEI Hospital for x-ray and operation. Had operation on 9th.
10th Effie HABELIN came home with Stan BUELL.
10th Mrs. Jas. HERRING operated on for goiter in PEI Hospital.
12th Verna went to work in town J.R.N. Shaw’s.
12th Mrs. Newton WILLIAMS died of pneumonia age 54. Funeral service at Christian Ch. Oct 13th , Rev. T. R. Goudge.
25th Mrs. James HERRING came home.
November 1936
6th John RICHARDS, Abney, died age 83.
11th [blank] eldest son of Wilfred and Geraldine MacLEAN born.
Edward MOORE died in Trenton, N.S. about Nov. 20th. In brackets above date is Nov 9th
18th Shower for Grace PENNY at her father’s .
23rd Bruce BELL (Hanford’s son) died in PEI Hospital, aged 12. Buried 25th, service at home.
28th Marvin HERRING and Grace PENNY married, Rev. C. E. Armstrong.
December 1936
No entries.