Inside cover:
"Left Prince Edward Island May 10th 1883 Thos. Carroll"Sheet of paper:
"April 6, 1934 This book is to be transferred to my daughter C. Edith Carroll, now wife of James P. Shine, and later on her demise to be given to any of her family at her wish or option of which one. Thomas Rice Carroll"
"Given to my daughter Laura Mary Roth Sept. 1949. Edith Carroll Shine"
Thomas Carroll (father) Born at P.E.Island Sept. 30, 1854
Mary McEntee Carroll (mother) Born on P.E.I. in 1859Children: (Submitters note: all born in Chelsea, Massachusetts)
Laura Mary Carroll Born Oct. 5th 1883 Baptised by Father Larony
Catherine Edith Carroll Born Oct.14th 1885 Baptised by Father Cavanaugh
John Joseph Carroll Born July 6th 1887 Baptised by Father Coughlin
Evaline Ann Carroll Born July 6th 1890 Christened by Father Mulligan
Andrew Michael Carroll Born July 6th 1892 Christened by Father Sherrin
Margaret Gertrude Carroll Born May 27th 1895 Christened by Father Sherrin(No entries under Marriages)
Elizabeth Carroll died at Chelsea, Mass Jun. 22, 1888 aged 45
Mary Carroll died at Chelsea, Mass. March 4, 1888 Age 84 yrs.
Evelyn Anne Carroll died at Chelsea Nov. 10th 1891 aged 1 year, 4 mos, and 4 days
Patrick Carroll died in P.E.Island April 6th 1866 66 yrs buried in Vernon River Cemetary P.E.I.
Mary, Eliza and Michael buried in Holy Cross Malden, Mass R.I.P. (Submitter’s note: not sure if Eliza is a separate person or if it refers to Mary Eliza McEntee Carroll)
James R. Carroll died in Detroit Michigan Jun 22, 1930 and buried in Calvery Cemetary St. Louis, Missouri with John, Dennis and Andrew (brothers)
Mary Carroll died December 1939
Thomas Rice Carroll died April 20, 1940 Both buried in Holy Cross, Malden
The following photos were in the back of Thomas Rice Carroll's bible. There are 8 adults and one child but unfortunately, none of them are labelled with a name. The child's picture was taken at the studio of C. Lewis Charlottetown, P.E.I. One of the other photos was taken at the Boston Gallery studio of Thomas Cook, Photographer, LePage's Building, opposite W.A.Weeks & Co. Queen Street, Charlottetown, P.E.I. The rest were taken by different Boston photographers. Some of the photos are marked 1878 and 1880 and state that copies can be ordered for two years from that date.
I'm guessing that when each person left P.E.I. for Boston they had their picture taken. I would love to be able to identify the people in the pictures - they're probably the parents and/or siblings of Thomas. Is it possible anyone can identify any of the individuals in these photos from old photos they might have?