![]() | The Island Register's P.E.I. Genealogical and Historical Book Exchange |
This page is for all you who have excess single copies of P.E.I. Genealogical or Historical books, and are interested in trading them with others, and for those with miscellaneous books to sell. Please, no commercial sellers. We will also list book wants. Please let me know when you no longer have or need the listed books. As with all exchanges like this, the exchange is between yourself and the person you are exchanging with, so caveat emptor - let the buyer beware. We cannot be held responsible for transactions gone bad.
To post a listing to this page, send an email to Dave Hunter, dhunter [at] islandregister [dot] com, and I will add it to the page. If all goes well and this page is used, I will eventually set up a system so that you can post your own books.
For Sale or Trade:
Gladys Holland , [email protected] - $20.00 for both --Reprint of Souvenir booklets
Landing of Scottish catholics on PEI..1772 and Island Edition and Boston Edition
Megan Skinner, the.skinners-pei [at] pei [dot] sympatico [dot] ca has the following books for sale. Price is $5.00 each, and arrangements may be made with Megan to pick them up in Charlottetown while she is working:
- The Ancestor Trail in Ireland, A Companion Guide by Donald F. Begley 1985
- Genealogy in Ontario: Searching the Records by Brenda Dougall Merriman 1984
- Surrogate Court Records at the Archives of Ontario by Catherine Shepard 1984
- Introducing Scottish Genealogical Research by Donald Whyte 1982
- Bishops Transcripts and Marriage Licences Bonds and Allegations, A guide to their location and indexes 2nd edition by J.S.W. Gibson 1982 (Covers England, Wales, & Ireland)
- The Island Magazine Number One Fall-Winter 1976
- The Island Magazine Number Two Spring-Summer 1977 (2 copies)
- The Island Magazine Number Six Spring-Summer 1979
- The Island Magazine Number Seven Fall-Winter 1979
- The Island Magazine Number Eight 1980
- The Island Magazine Number 15 Spring-Summer 1984
- The Island Magazine Number 16 Fall-Winter 1984
- The Island Magazine Number 17 Summer 1985
- The Island Magazine Number 18 Fall-Winter 1985
- The Island Magazine Number 19 Spring-Summer 1986
- The Island Magazine Number 25 Spring-Summer 1989
- In Search of your British & Irish Roots by Angus Baxter 1982
- In Search of your Roots by Angus Baxter 1981
- Fur-Farming in Canada by J. Walter Jones 1914
- Debrett's Family Historian A Guide to Tracing Your Ancestry by Noel Currer-Briggs and Royston Gambier 1981
- Discovering Your Scottish Roots A step-by-step guide for family researchers by Alwyn James 1981
- Tracing Your Ancestry A Step-by-Step guide to researching your family history by F. Wilbur Helmbold 1978
- Chezzetcook Historical Society Chetigne Island A novel by M.M. McLaren originally published in 1916
- The State of Ireland A Novell and Seventeen Stories by Benedict Kiely 1982
- Adopted? A Canadian Guide for adopted adults in search of their origins by Clare Marcus 1979
- Acadiensis Journal of the History of the Atlantic Region Autumn 1983
- The Nova Scotia Historical Quarterly Volume 7 Number 1 March 1977; and Volume 7 Number 3 September 1977
Megan also has a copy of microfilm of the Phase One of the Master Name Index (it is over 60 reels), price $1,000.
Books Wanted:
Art Cameron, artcameron [at] rogers [dot] com is looking for a copy of a book written and published a number of years ago by Frank Pigot on Mount Stewart, P. E. I.
Barb Ivison (nee Palmer), bivison [at] telus [dot] net is looking for a copy of "The History of Springfield 1828�1986" by the Springfield, P.E.I.: Springfield Historical Committee
Bonnie House, B1house [at] aol [dot] com is looking for a copy of "Malpeque and Its People"
Katherine Dewar, deoradh [at] pei [dot] sympatico [dot] ca, is looking for several copies of "The Brothers Dewar" by Dr. George Dewar. Will buy or trade. Katherine is the author of Deoradh, The Dewars, Storytellers and Relic Keepers, advertised on the Books page.
Ross Coffin, rrcoffin [at] travel-net [dot] com, is looking for a copy of "The History of Morell" Author unknown. Ross also has several photocopies of "A Brief History of St. Peter's Bay" by Pratt he will give away if sent a self addressed envelope. The book is only about four pages, thus the term "brief", but very informative for people researching the area.
Karyn Douglas Toogood, toogoodj [at] nb [dot] sympatico [dot] ca, is looking for the book "History of Mount Stewart". It was published during the 70's.
Eileen Bremner, eileen [at] diether [dot] org, is looking for looking for "An Island Scrapbook" by Benjamin Bremner and any other book by him that she can find.
James MacLean, M.D., jmaclean [at] partners [dot] org, is looking for a copy of "The Story of Montague" by William Johnston.
Ken Arsenault, Ken.Arsenault [at] CCRS.NRCan.gc [dot] ca, is trying to locate a copy of the publication "History of Saint Anthony Parish, 1803-1980". Published in 1980 by the Bloomfield Historical Society. His father and his family lived in Bloomfield before moving to Summerside. Would like to find more information on family history. The book is currently out of print.
Stafford MacSwain, staffordmacswain [at] gmail [dot] com, is looking for copies of the following books:
- "Memories of Beach Point and Cape Bear, PEI" by Solome MacLeod
- "Descendents of William Sencabaugh" by Doris Flanagan
- "Bears Genealogy by Austin Bears", Published in 1982
- "Hopefield and its families:1856-1989" by Catherine Fraser
- "Genealogy of the Grahams" by Irene Graham MacPherson
- "Tales to Tell (concerning the history of Abney)" Gertrude Giddings Whiteway
- "The Grahams of New Lockerbie" by Thomas Graham
- "The Descendents of William Creed" by Robert P. Murphy
Pat LeLievre, lelievre [at] eastlink [dot] ca, is looking for a copy of the book, "The MacLeods of P.E.I." by Harold MacLeod. Can anyone help her?
Betty Howard, bhoward750 [at] webtv [dot] net, is looking for a copy of the book, "The History of Springfield 1828-1985". Can anyone help her?
Ken Marshall, kmarshall_ey.22 [at] sympatico [dot] ca, is looking for copies of the book, "History of Margate" and "Malpeque and its People". Can anyone help him?
David Drake, 3mad_drakes [at] telus [dot] net, is looking a copy of the book "An Island Family" that was self published in about 1980 and chronicles the Wood Family in PEI. Can anyone help him?
Irene Schofield, ischof [at] attcanada [dot] ca, is looking for a copy of the book, "The History of the Trainors of Prince Edward Island". Can anyone help her?
Kathleen Johnson, johnsonk [at] globalserve [dot] net, is looking for a copy of the book, "The MacLeods of P.E.I." by Harold MacLeod. Can anyone help her?
William MacLeod, cigarking35 [at] hotmail [dot] com, is looking for a copy of the book, "Bonshaw, a Stroll Through it's Past" by Bill Glen, CG (C). Can anyone help him?
Liane Harvey, lbhmlh [at] aol [dot] com, is looking for a copy of the book, "From the Ponds to Seaview" Can anyone help her?
Joan Lavine, ADOVE [at] aol [dot] com, is looking for a copy of the book, "Freetown, Past and Present" Can anyone help her?
Barbara & Jerry Gaines, jbgaines [at] bentonrea [dot] com, are looking for a copy of the book, "Wandering Back, a History of Dock, Hills River, Mill River, and Rosebank", 1983 by the Three Rivers Historical Society. Can anyone help them?
Denise Dommer, bddommers [at] aol [dot] com, is looking for a copy of the book, "The J. D. MacGuigans", by Father Gerald MacGuigan, S.J. Can anyone help her?
Kelly MacLean, skye [at] manypaths.bc [dot] ca, is looking for a copy of the book, "Hopefield and its families: 1856-1989", by Catherine Fraser. Can anyone help her?
Liz Statts, estatts [at] pei [dot] sympatico [dot] ca, is looking for a copy of the book, "History of Darnley", by the Darnley Historical Society. Can anyone help her?
Dan MacDonald, brikwall [at] brikwall [dot] com, is looking for the following books. Can anyone help him?
- "The Wrights of Bedeque, Prince Edward Island, A Loyalist Family", 1978, by Doris Muncey Haslam. He is only looking for Volume 2 - He has Volume 1 (although he will consider taking a set if available).
- "History of Margate".
- "History of Clinton".
- "The History of Springfield 1828-1985".
Trevor Wadman, trevor.wadman [at] pei [dot] sympatico [dot] ca, is looking a copy of "An Island Refuge" by the Abegweit Branch, UELA. Can anyone help him?
Sylvia MacKenzie Watson, JTW418 [at] msn [dot] com, is looking a copy of Carol MacKenzie's "Mac Book". Can anyone help her?
Roy Campbell, roycampbell [at] canada [dot] com, is looking a copy of both volumes of " The Wrights of Bedeque, Prince Edward Island - A Loyalist Family (1978)" by Doris Muncey Haslam. Can anyone help him?
Lea Anne Darrach, ldarrach [at] telus [dot] net, is looking copies of "Our West River Heritage by Violet McEachern" by Violet McEachern, and "Stanhope Sands of Time". Can anyone help her?
Janice Stichbury-Riley, bountifulgarden [at] rockisland [dot] com, is looking for a copy of the book, "The MacLeods of P.E.I." by Harold MacLeod. Can anyone help her?
Patti Leland-Hanson, hanson [at] downeast [dot] net, is looking for a copy of the book, "History of the Trainor Family on Prince Edward Island 1839 - 1992" by Reg G. Trainor. Can anyone help her?
Patricia Townshend Alnes, patalnes [at] online.no is looking for copies of "The History of Springfield, PEI" and "The History of New London", pub. 1959 Can anyone help her?
Janis W. Fink, jwfink [at] earthlink [dot] net is looking a copy of "History of Valleyfield" by Rev. D. W. Sinclair. Can anyone help her?
Edna Cudmore, botspot [at] pei.eastlink is looking a copy of "Malpeque and Its People". Can anyone help her?
Frank Leard, frank.leard [at] earthlink [dot] net is looking a copy of "History of the Ellis family and the Descendants of William Ellis of Bideford, Prince Edward Island", by Preston Ellis. Can anyone help him?
Deborah Mountain, dmountain_2003 [at] hotmail [dot] com, is looking for a copy of the book, "History of Darnley", by the Darnley Historical Society. Can anyone help her?
Tina Eberts, tews [at] sasktel [dot] net, is looking for a copy of the book, "Leaves from the Birches of Avoca". Can anyone help her?
Nancy Blacklock Cullen, cybergram [at] ns [dot] sympatico [dot] ca, is looking for both volumes of the book, "The Wrights of Bedeque, Prince Edward Island, A Loyalist Family". Can anyone help her?
Peter Trainor, pwtrainor [at] hotmail [dot] com, is looking for the book, "A History of the Trainor Family on Prince Edward Island 1839 - 1992" by Reg G. Trainor. Can anyone help him?
Brianne Battle, brie913 [at] comcast [dot] net, is looking for Preston Ellis's book, "History of The Ellis Family and The Descendants of William Ellis of Bideford, P.E.I.." Can anyone help her?
Carol Ross, hendersonhome [at] sympatico [dot] ca, is looking for a copy of the book, "The MacLeods of P.E.I." by Harold MacLeod. Can anyone help her?
Iain MacNeill, imacneill [at] tomalight [dot] com, is looking for the books, "History of Darnley", by the Darnley Historical Society, and "Malpeque and its People" by the Malpeque History Committee. Can anyone help him?
M.S. Frazier, msfrazier [at] beld [dot] net, is looking for the book, "The History of the Trainor Family on PEI 1839-1992", by Reg G. Trainor. Can anyone help?
Guy Sanderson, gmsand [at] americanlandmark [dot] net, is looking a copy of Carol MacKenzie's "Mac Book". Can anyone help?
Diane McDonnell, diane652 [at] verizon [dot] net, is looking a copy of "Fair is the Place". Can anyone help?
Nirali Jani, niralij [at] gmail [dot] com, is looking a copy of "Prairie Tales" by Humphrey Gorrill. Can anyone help?
Phyllis Dand, rpdand [at] telus [dot] net, is looking a book on the history of Indian River, PEI. Can anyone help?
Jason Barwise, jasonbarwise [at] hotmail [dot] com, is looking books that involve the Barwise family in any way. Remove the spaces in the email address to send me a message. Can anyone help?
Mindy Christman, mxman7 [at] hotmail [dot] com, is looking for a copy of "Daniel Heaney and Belinda Abbott and their family, 1807-1990 : with additions on the families of Jane Large, Letitia Murray and Sarah Dignan by Jardine, Robert S. P". Can anyone help?
Lori Pearce, loripearce [at] route2.pe [dot] ca, is looking a book, "The History of Springfield 1828-1985". Can anyone help?
Pamela Gilcash, prgill [at] pei [dot] sympatico [dot] ca, is looking a book, "The Brothers Dewar" by Dr. George Dewar. Can anyone help?
Sarah Trainor, sarah.trainor [at] hotmail [dot] com, is looking for a copy of the book, "History of the Trainor Family on Prince Edward Island 1839 - 1992", by Reg G. Trainor. Can anyone help her?
Maryann McGinn, thatgirlmaryann [at] gmail [dot] com, is looking for the books, "History of Darnley", by the Darnley Historical Society, and "Malpeque and its People" by the Malpeque History Committee. Can anyone help her??
Catherine Murray, catherine__murray [at] hotmail [dot] com, is looking for any books by the Darnley Historical Society, and "Malpeque and its People" by the author Adrien Arsenault, born in Mt [dot] carmel P.E.I.. Can anyone help her??
Sherri Oliver, the.olivers [at] shaw [dot] ca, is looking for a copy of the book, "MacDonald's of Lot 14 PEI and Other related families" Walter F MacDonald and published 1999. Can anyone help her??
Natasha Mellish, ndmellish [at] shaw [dot] ca, is looking for a copy of the book, "Thomas Mellish of Prince Edward Island: A genealogy of many of his descendants by Douglas B MacDonald " Can anyone help her??
Jennifer Morningstar - is a graduate student at UPEI, and I was hoping you could post a "books wanted" for me. I am interested in any books related to the French Regime in PEI, or any English language versions of books about the early Acadians.