Eastern Kings Acadian Historical Association

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The Eastern Kings Acadian Historical Association ("La Societe Historique de King's Est") have opened an office in Rollo Bay, at St. Alexis Church, Hwy #2, 4 k west of Souris, to be a resource centre for visitors to the area and who may have a relative from Rollo Bay, or for locals to check out a document. Fortune, P.E.I. Map

Available records include copies of maps, censuses and the parish records of St. Alexis since 1847. There will be someone in the office each weekday from 1 p.m. til 4 p.m. for July and August. The project is under the direction of "La Societe Historique de King's Est" Members are Mrs. Clarisse Gallant, Pres., Jean Jans, Sec., and Judy Chaisson member at large and now "archivist" at the office.

We will pass along more information on this project as it becomes available.

The Association may be contacted at: acadiene@isn.net, Phone: (902) 687-2209.

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Last Updated: 07/13/2000 6:59:16 AM
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