Kensington School Reunion, 1946

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

As printed in The Charlottetown Guardian, July 20, 1946.

A unique party was held recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Pendergast, Kensington when the graduating class of 1896 of Kensington High School, with husbands and wives, gathered in honor of their teacher of that time, Mr James Landrigan of Charlottetown.

The first part of the evening was devoted to greetings and looking at the old school pictures which several guests brought along. A hearty sing-song followed with Miss Olive Thompson at the piano. Speeches of a humorous and reminiscent nature were made by Mr. Landrigan, John A. Thompson, Dr. John McNeil, Dr. W. J. P. MacMillan, George Sheen, James T. Profitt and W. H. Darrach, acting as master of ceremonies. A declamation from Robert Service by Mr. Louis O'Connor was much appreciated. Mr. Landrigan gave a humorous reading from Drummond. Bountiful refreshments were served by the ladies. Three rousing cheers for Mr. Landrigan was followed by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" and the National Anthem.

The program was brought to a close by the reading of the following lines, composed for the occasion:

The big reunion of the class of ‘96 takes place on Thursday night,
The girls of fifty years ago and the boys who loved to fight;
I can tell you who is invited, we hope they all get out,
We know they'll do their utmost to be here without a doubt.

First there's the Master, James Landrigan, big and stern,
We all loved him and he surely made us learn;
And his better half, a lady, who proved worthy through the years,
More than fifty years together, through sunshine and through tears.

There's Amy Mullin, angelic she did look,
Once the Master caught her teasing Neil with a hook;
There's Ruby Darrach, whose pretty clothes and lady-like gyrations
Filled the girls with envy and the boys with admiration.

There's Gertie Essory, the best singer of the lot,
Tyndale Semple found her, and a wedding ring he bought.
There's Johanna, a bonnie lass of the McKelvie clan,
She had lots of beaux, and she picked her man.

There's Georgie Bentley, the dear little thing,
At our social functions we love to hear her sing.
There's Annie Essory, another singer of repute,
Her value in a chorus no one will dispute.

There's Lucy Moase; we often wondered how she got her problems through,
To pay her just dues, she cut a penny right in two.
There's Annie Belle Fraser, teacher on the staff,
Her tales of school days always gets a laugh.

There's Will MacMillan, a statesman of renown,
And a medical doctor in the City of Charlottetown.
There's Linus Gorman, who was thrice "upon the mat,"
A good boy, the Master said, "on account of that."

There's George Sheen, the beauty of the bunch;
He favors ice-cream when it comes to lunch.
And James Pendergast, who made faces when he wrote,
Dr. Will [MacMillan] told us in an anecdote.

There's Eddie Casley, Wal Darrach and Jim Sheen,
In school, work or games, they were never mean.
And Neil Gillis who arrived from Boston just in time
Looking hale and hearty. He is the last in our rhyme.

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