Submitted by Christine Gorman
From the Daily Examiner, January 3, 1911.
"About seventy-five young men from different parts of the Province left this morning for Truro to take the short course at the Agricultural College. Among those who left were:
Messrs. Frank McLean, West River
Thos. Moyse, Bedeque
John T. Cosgrove, Wellington
Joseph Noonan, Albany
Wm. Aitken and Preston Campbell, Lower Montague
J. W. Smith, Surrey
R. J. McNeill and Preston Ellis, Tyne Valley
Mr. Sharp and F. Barry, Bideford
John F. Arsenault and E. W. Poirier, Mount Carmel
W. E. Jones, Hazelbrook
J. B. E. Reid, Victoria Cross
M. N. Bruce, Valleyfield
The following left yesterday:
Aeneas McManus, Bonshaw
Wm. Mutch, Earnscliffe
Frank Glyden, Margate
Also, Wylie Gibson, Marshfield.