Railroad Employees, Service Medals, 1911

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From the Daily Examiner, March 2, 1911.


P. E. Island Railway Employees to be Remembered.

Imperial Service Medals have been granted by the King to the following
employees of the P. E. Island Railway:
John Casimir Perry
John Henry Burns
Henry Sterns Coffin
Henry Sutherland (deceased)
James Merry
John Thomas McNally

These medals are granted by the King as a reward to persons who serve
at least 25 years, and whose service has been meritorious, after their
retirement from the service, and the desire is that the presentation
should be made publicly, and, as far as possible in the presence of the
employees of the railway, and any others who might wish to be present.
It has therefore been decided that these medals will be presented
publicly at the Hall in the Railway Station at Charlottetown, on Tuesday,
March 7th, at 11:45 a.m.

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