PEI Poultry Assn. Formation, 1908

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From the Saturday Afternoon Edition of the Daily Examiner, March 21, 1908.


The meeting held last night in Wheally's Hall to form a poultry association for this Province was well attended and much interest was manifested in the project. Addresses were delivered by His Honor the Lieutenant Governor, Messrs. J. W. Ryan and other poultry enthusiasts, who dealt with the necessity of having such an association and the importance and need of more selective breeding of poultry.

After a full discussion on the matter, it was decided to organize, and the Prince Edward Island Poultry Association was formed with the following officers:

Patron - Lieut.- Governor McKinnon.

President - R. V. Longworth, city.

Vice Pres. - Lemuel Foster.

Secretary - L. A. Haszard.

Treasurer - J. W. Ryan.

Directors - J. W. Callbeck, Thos. Robertson, James Callaghan, Geo. Lightizer, Robert Furness.

Auditor - W. H. Longworth.

Vice President for King's County - Rev. W. H. Smith.

Vice President for Prince County - Rev. A. E. Burke.

The association, as an inducement to increasing their membership, offer for the first twenty entries before April 1st next, accompanied by the 50 cent fee to the secretary; to No. 1, setting B. P. (Barred Plymouth) Rocks; to No. 5, White Rocks; to No. 10, B. Minorcas; to No. 20, Black Spanish and balance of the twenty W. Wyandottes.

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