Foresters Elect Officers, 1908

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Submitted by Christine Gorman


The High Court Session Brought to a Close Yesterday

From the Daily Examiner for Thursday, Sept. 20, 1908

The High Court, I. O. F., brought their session to a close yesterday afternoon when the following officers were elected and installed by Judge Cockburn:

High Chief Ranger, S. F. Hodgson, Charlottetown.

Past High Chief, John Anderson, Kensington.

High Vice ChieF, A. S. Mckay, Summerside.

High Secretary, L. U. Fowler, Bedeque.

High Treasurer, J. S. Wedlock, Brackley Point Road.

High Physician, J. C. Houston, M. D., Crapaud.

High Counsellors, B. W. Tanton, St. Eleanors; J. A. McCormack, Souris.

High Auditor, A. A. Adams, O'Leary.

High Orator, Rev. A. J. Rattee, Malpeque.

High Organist, Mrs. J. Pickard, Charlottetown.

H. J. Secretary, W. S. Beairsto, Summerside.

H. S Woodward, D. McAlduff, Alberton.

H. J. Woodward, John Bernard, Long Creek.

H. Marshall., M. A. Allan, Charlottetown.

H. Conductor, I. R. Prowse, Murray Harbor.

H Messenger, Edward Leaman, Georgetown.

H. Sr. Beadle, James McKay, Bradalbane.

H. J. Beadle, Frank Glydon, Margate.

After this a vote of thanks was tendered to Judge Cockburn for his attendance and assistance.

The High Court adjourned to meet again in Charlottetown. An invitation was received from Kensington to meet there next year but did not lessen the necessary majority over the place chosen.

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Last Updated: 9/19/2004 9:30:18 PM
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