Those Leaving for the Northwest, 1905

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From the Daily Examiner July 12, 1905.

Thirty people left Charlottetown this morning for the Canadian Northwest, including the following:

Prof. Jordan, City, to Winnipeg;
Percy Bryenton, late of Prowse Bros, to Winnipeg;
Harry Worth, late of F. Perkins & Co;
Augustus McPherson, late with Fennel & Chandler;
Archibald Vessey, York, to Regina;
Fraser McDonald, Hampton, to Regina;
Mabel Drake to Hargraves;
Mrs Geo. Bryenton, Miss Bryenton, Brackley Point, to Strathcona;
Daniel McLeod to Moose Jaw;
and the following to other parts of the west;
George McNeill; S. Roy Hooper of Milton; Rev. A. D. McDonald, Hampton; J. R. Brooks; Miss Birdie Leard; Mrs. Sam Haslam; Misses LePage, Victoria; Miss M. B. Simpson, Granville; Mars. A. R. McLeod, Orwell; Mrs Harry Prowse and three children of Little York.

From The Daily Examiner, June 13, 1905.

Among those who leave tomorrow for the Northwest are:

Mrs Isaac Sellars and family, for Arcola, Assiniboia;
Mrs. W. L. Strickland for Calgary;
Miss Morrison for Arcola;
Mrs. Walker of North River, for Winnipeg;
Mrs. E. E. Jordan, of Charlottetown, for Winnipeg;
Miss Florence McMillan, of Brackley Point Road, for Calgary;
Mrs. D. H. Lodge and Miss Blanche, for Winnipeg;
John Holman and wife, and Charles Holman and family, of Winsloe, for Regina;
Percy Prowse, of S. W. Crabbe's, City, and Mervin Brown, of Prowse Bros., for Winnipeg;
Miss Minnie Buntain of South Rustico for Winnipeg;
John Horne, Winsloe, a general trip through the West;
Rev. Mr. Frizzel of Winsloe and two children, for Regina;
Mrs. Howard, City, for Edmonton;
Roy Stewart, Highfield, for Medicine Hat;
Messrs. Stetson and Turner, of Marshfield, for Calgary;
Frank Howard, of Cornwall, for Calgary;
Archibald Gay, Mount Hope, for Edmonton;
John Jenkins, Mr. Hume, Dundas, to Regina;
Mr Locke and family, Royalty, to Regina;
Ambrose Coles, Milton, to Calgary;
Geo. Auld, Covehead, to Edmonton;
Mrs Fred Essory, Union Road, to Calgary.

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