Christmas Exams, Mt. Stewart School, 1904

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From the Daily Examiner, Dec. 23, 1904

Christmas Examinations - The Honor Roll

The half-yearly written examinations of Mount Stewart North School closed on Monday the 20th. The following is the honor roll:

Arithmetic - 1, Lalia McLeod; 2, Angelina Gillis.
English - 1, L. McLeod; 2, A. Gillis.
Geog - 1. L. McLeod; 2, A. Gillis, Ruth Toombs, equal; 3, Lillian Douglas.
History - L. McLeod; 2, A. Gillis.
Physiology - 1. L. McLeod; 2, Ruth Toombs; 3, A. Gillis.
Botany - 1. L. McLeod; 2, Ruth Toombs; 3, Lilian Douglas.
Latin - 1, L. McLeod; 2, A. Gillis.
Geometry - 1, L. McLeod; 2, A. Gillis.
Agriculture - 1, L. McLeod; 2, A. Gillis.
French - 1, L. McLeod; 2, A. Gillis.

Arithmetic - 1, Ruth Toombs; Lillian Douglas, equal.
Arithmetic - 1, Louis Pigot, Donald McLeod, equal; 2, Wendell Toombs; 3, Marion McDonald.
English - 1, Lillian Douglas; 2, Ruth Toombs; 3. Marion McDonald.
History - 1, Lillian Douglas; 2, Marion McDonald; 3, Wendell Toombs.
Geography - 1, Wendell Toombs; 2, Marion McDonald; 3, Louis Pigot.

Reading and spelling - 1, Bessie McDonald, L. Pigot, equal;2, Irene McLeod; 3, Addie Feehan, Lena McCormac(?), Donald McLeod, equal.
Composition - 1. Wendell Toombs; 2, Addie Feehan, L. Pigot, equal; 3, Bessie McDonald.
Physiology - 1, Victor McDonald, Addie Feehan, equal; 2, Bessie McDonald, Emeline Coffin, equal; 3, Lee Bovyer.
Arithmetic - 1, Addie Feehan; 2, Lizzie Cunningham; 3, Lena McCormack.(?)
English - 1, A. Feehan; 2, D. McLeod; 3, Lena McCormack.
Geography - 1, A. Feehan; 2, Emeline Coffin; 3, V. McDonald.

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