Charlottetown Business College 1904

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

As printed in The Summerside Journal June 29, 1904


The Charlottetown Business College in connection with which there is an excellent Shorthand and Typing Department, closed one of the most successful years of its existence a few days ago and we congratulate Mr. Miller, the efficient principal, upon the excellent standing he has gained for his college. Following is a list of graduates from the Business Training Department during the term of 1903-04.

Miss Marion Doyle, Charlottetown.
Miss Mabel Doyle, do.
Miss Louisa Maclaren, Boston.
Hector C. Williams, Pinette.
Lemuel Burleigh, Ellerslie.
Fred McPhail, DeSable.
Robert Silliphant, Summerside.
Miss Luiu Silliphant, do. (?)
Miss Martha King, Charlottetown.
Miss Lizzie Wickham, do.
Miss Laura Nicholson, Orwell.
Miss Gladys Taylor, Charlottetown.
Edwin L. Mills, Northam.
Ray Schurman, Freetown.
Geo. P. Nicholson, Charlottetown.
Donald Stewart, Southport.
Alex. T. McDonald, Morell Station.
Daniel McLean, North Wiltshire.
W. J. Kennedy, Southport.
J. Lorne Mellish, Montague.
R. D. Cameron, East Point.
Margaret Beaton, do.
J. M. Hogg, Kensington.
Alice McPherson, Pisquid.
Mamie Beaton, East Point.
Abbie Martin, Hunter River.
David Livingstone, High Bank.
Jno. Moffatt, New Glasgow.


Since the beginning of the present term the following students of the shorthand and typewriter department have secured the Amanuenses' Diploma of the Phonographic Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio:

Lilian J. Taylor, Charlottetown.
Katie Dover, do.
Gertrude Bolger, do.
Irene McKay, Everett, Mass.
Myrtle Finlayson, Charlottetown.
Ethel Brydges, do.
Mary A. Whelan, do.
Addie McDonald, Montague.
Louisa Maclaren, Boston.
M. Fitzpatrick, Tracadie.
H. M. Anderson, Charlottetown.
Ella McLeod, do.
Marion Doyle, do.
Mabel Doyle, do.
Allie Clarkin, do.
Carrie Howe, Lower Montague.
Mary McIsaac, Rock Barra.

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