Summerside Town Council, 1903

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From The Examiner, March 10, 1903

The new Town Council had its first meeting last night, and the new board settled into place. Present, the Mayor and all the Councillors, except Councillor Morrison.

The following appointments were made:

Town Clerk, H. J. Massey.

Wharfinger, W. G. Schurman.

Assessors, Neil McKelvie, John Grady.

Auditors of Town Accounts, Chas. G. Wright, Allan McKinnon.

Health Officer, J. H. McLellan, M. D. (blank.)

Police, John Steele, Albert Phillips.

Street Commissioner, Albert Gaudet.

Town Teamster, James Millman.

Chief of Fire Department, Thomas Frizzell.

Engineer of Steam Fire Engine, Thomas Hickey.

Fireman do., Michael Mountain.

Coal and water tender do., J. D. Perry.

Fence Viewers, P. Ryan, Clement Arsenault.

Chimney Sweeps, Peter Quigley, Andrew Wedge.

Pound Keepers, Policemen.

C. T. A Prosecutor, Albert Phillips.

Committees were appointed as follows:

Finance and Purchasing Committee: Councillors Morris, Bowness, Morrison.

Street Committee: Councillors Dickieson, Compton, Morris.

Wharf Committee: Councillors Compton, Sobey, Morrison.

Hall Committee: Councillors Bowness, Sobey, Compton.

Police Committee: Councillors Sobey, Morris, Bowness.

Assessors Committee: Councillors Dickieson, Morris, Bowness.

Fire Dept. Committee: Councillors Morrison, Compton, Morris.

A communication from Joseph Read & Co. asking to lease the town wharf was read; it also stated that they had bought a stone crusher, suggesting that the Council buy it. Referred to wharf committee.

The building of a windmill to give water for the streets and the improving of the water cart were discussed. Referred to street committee to report at adjourned meeting on Wednesday night.

The Clerk was authorised to secure quotations on stone and lumber.

Manual training in the public schools came up for discussion. Neil McQuarrie for the School Board spoke in favor of its continuance. Sir Wm. McDonald's offer would expire in June. The Council should provide the needed money. A meeting of Council and School Board will be held on Thursday night to discuss the matter.

Council adjourned.

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