Dairy and Cheesemakers of 1902

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From the Charlottetown Daily Examiner, March 13, 1902


The P. E. Island Dairying Association annual meeting opened this morning at 11 o'clock.

The following delegates were present:

William Callbeck, Dunk River,
John Anderson, Kensington,
Arthur Simpson, Stanley Bridge,
Sydney Richardson, St. Eleanors,
D. Currie, New Dominion,
Benjamin Haslam, Emerald,
D A Robertson, New Perth,
A Brown, Dunstaffnage,
J B Wood, Tryon,
J E Bagnall, Hazel Grove,
Jos Dickieson, New Glasgow,
D Murchison, Cornwall,
A Mooney, Souris,
J J Campbell, Lakeville,
Jos McRae, Red House,
A D McLellan, St George's,
W A McDonald, Murray Harbor North,
J J Smith, Red Point,
J D Bell, Montague.

Among the visitors were:

J C Underhay, Bay Fortune,
Jos Wise, Milton,
Stewart McLaren, New Perth,
J J Smith, Red Point,
Geo E Goff, Woodville,
W L Goff, d(itt)o,
J A McDonald, Orwell,
C A Dickerson, New Glasgow,
Jos Bagnall, Hazel Grove,
Geo Stewart, Southport
Wm Clark, Emerald,
Jas Monaghan, Hazelbrook,
Joseph Burgess, d(itt)o,
Alex McMillan, Kensington,
J. Schurman, Dunk River,
P J McLeod, Dundas.

After adopting the minutes of the last meeting, it was moved by John Anderson that an invitation be extended the Legislature to attend at three o'clock.

A committee composed of Mr. L. McDonald, John Anderson and the President was appointed to wait on the railway regarding reduced fares.

The President's address dealt principally with the cheese market in England.

The following committee on Publication was appointed: John Anderson, J. D. McLeod, and Chas. Waye.

The meeting was then adjourned till one o'clock.

From the Daily Examiner of March 7 and March 8, 1902:

CHEESEMAKERS attending a dairy school.....

Joseph Burgess, Hazelbrook,
J W Heseltine, Cornwall,
Ambrose Sinnott, Morell,
George McDonald, East Point,
Leo McDonald, Vernon River Bridge,
Thos L Barnard, Park Corner,
Will Dickieson, New Glasgow,
Edward Stevenson, New Glasgow,
John H Jenkins, Mt Herbert,
Lea Carver, Pownal.
Charles Pippy, Lot 48,
Henry Aitken, Montague,
Raymond, Loughlin, Montague,
Lorne Gibson, Marshfield,
Charles Pippy, O'Leary,
Albert Donnelly, St Peter's,
John A McDonald, Mt Stewart,
Jesse Schurman, Bedeque,
Frank Lang, Albany,
Daniel McDonald, New Dominion,
E L Head, Hillsboro,
Joe McDonald, Red House,
Will Clark, Emerald
A(lexander) McMillan, Hamilton,
Hector McLeod, Orwell,
C J Cook, New Perth,
O W Dingman, Winsloe,
W C Clarke, Emerald,
C A Stevenson, New Glasgow,
J H McDonald, Orwell Cove

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