1901 Farmers' Institutes

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

From the Daily Examiner: February 4, 1902.

St. Peter's Heads the List with a Membership of One Hundred and Thirty-three

$1000 Has Been Given in grants, and $800 Added as Supplements

During 1901, twenty Farmers' Institutes were organized in the province with the statute passed in the Provincial Legislature last session. These have a membership of over 1600 members, the largest institute being situated in the eastern part of the Island, where the farmers have gone into the work with more energy.

The following are institutes with the presidents and secretaries:

EAST POINT - Membership 100. President Lauchlin McDonald, East Point. Secretary, T. S. Robertson, Red Point.

LOTS 29 and 30 - Membership 93. President, John Moore, Crapaud. Secretary, James W. Villett.

LOTS 27 and 28 - Membership 81. President, Charles Craig, Middleton. Secretary, Percy F. Smith, Searletown.

St. PETER'S - Membership 133. President, Charles Waye, Head of St. Peter's. Secretary, Andrew Lewis, Head of St. Peter's.

COLVILLE - Membership 122. President John Mullally, Souris West. Secretary, Peter Conway, Souris East.

RED HOUSE - Membership 83. President James A. E. McDonald, Fortune Bay. Secretary, J. C. Underhay, Fortune Bay.

MORELL - Membership 91. President, Judson Webster, Morell. Secretary, H. D. McEwen, Morell.

MOUNT STEWART - Membership 87. President, Montague Pigott, Mount Stewart. Secretary, Joseph F. Doyle, Mount Stewart.

MARSHFIELD - Membership 62. President, John Stitson, Marshfield. Secretary, W. J. Gibson, Marshfield.

LONG CREEK - Membership 50. President, Arthur Wright, New Dominion. Secretary, James McKinnon, Long Creek.

NORTHERN - Membership 50. President, Wm. Laird, New Glasgow. Secretary, Wm. Moffat, Mayfield.

FREDERICTON - Membership 84. President, Joseph Bagnall, Hazel Grove. Secretary, Norman McLennan, Hazel Grove.

DUNK RIVER - Membership 84. President, James Carruthers, North Bedeque. Secretary, Henry L. Rogers, Freetown.

LOTS 18 and 19 - Membership 82. President, John B. Curtis, Wilmot Valley. Secretary, Herbert McDonald, Summerside.

UNION - Membership 82. President, Marcellin Gallant, Urbanville, Lot 14. Secretary, J. E. Arsenault, Wellington.

CENTRAL - Membership 80. President, John Richards, Bedford . Secretary, W. J. Montgomery, Port Hill.

ALBERTON - Membership 80, President, C. A. Woodman, Alberton. Secretary, R. H. Gordon, Montrose.

SPRINGFIELD - Membership 53. President, John Easter, Maddock. Secretary, Daniel Currie, Maddock.

LOTS 1 and 2 - Membership 56. President, Archibald Haywood, Tignish. Secretary, James J. Morrisey, Peterville.

VERNON RIVER - Membership 80. President, D. P. Irving, Vernon River. Secretary, James C. Irving, Cherry Valley.

The Daily Examiner, April 2, 1902:

Organized Farmers' Institute at Eldon, for Lots 57 and 58: Membership about 100.
President: J. N. Gillis.
Vice-President: D. R. McDonald.
Secretary: N. R. McLeod.
Treasurer: Angus McLeod.
Directors: D. W. McLeod, A. G. Smith, John Campbell, James Griffin and Angus McKenzie.

The Daily Examiner, April 23, 1902:

Organized Farmers' Institute at Clyde River, for Lots 31 and 32. Membership 62.
President: John McLean.
Vice-President: Robert Boyle.
Secretary: Robert Devereaux.
Directors: Daniel F. Fraser, Nicholas Colwill, John Darrach, John D. McLean, James McMillan.
Auditor: Robert A. McPhail.

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