Submitted by Christine Gorman
Statement of Fruit for Paris Exposition From The Daily Examiner, November 22, 1899.
Names of the exhibitors from P. E. Island.
Cold storage exhibit, consisting of twenty-four bushel boxes, which left this morning by express for Montreal, and will be forwarded to Paris as soon as the buildings there are ready:--
1 bushel Winter Bough, grown by John C. Clark, Bay View
1/2 bushel Emperor Alexander, John Campbell, Park Corner.
1/2 bushel Emperor Alexander, Samuel Howard, South Wiltshire.
1 bushel Wolff River, Mrs. W. J. Simpson, Cavendish.
1 bushel Ribston Pippin, Milton Bovyer, Southport.
1 bushel Haas, Solomon Mutch, Southport.
1 bushel Yellow Bellflower, J Oliver, Mason, Southport.
1 bushel King of Tompkins Co., Jonathan West, York.
1 bushel Baldwins, Jonathan West, York.
1 bushel Northern Spy, Senator Ferguson, Marshfield.
1 bushel Swaar, Senator Ferguson, Marshfield.
1 bushel Hyslop crab apples, Senator Ferguson, Marshfield.
1 bushel Fall Jennetings, John Smith, Pownal.
1 bushel Rhode Island Greenings, John Smith, Pownal.
1 bushel McIntosh Red, Alex A. Moore, Pownal.
1/4 bushel Hubbardson Nonsuch, Peter Stewart, Dunstaffnage.
1/2 bushel English Pippin,(?)[- in the paper] Mrs. Henry Stewart, Dunstaffnage.
1 bushel Magog's Red Streak, Mrs. Henry Stewart, Dunstaffnage.
1 bushel Vandevere, Mrs. Henry Stewart, Dunstaffnage.
1 bushel Ben Davis, Fred G. Bovyer, Georgetown.
1 bushel Golden Russet, Fred G. Bovyer, Georgetown.
1 bushel Gravenstein, John Robertson & Sons, Inkerman, New Perth.
1 bushel Inkerman Greening, John Robertson & Sons, Inkerman, New Perth.
1/2 bushel Mann, John Robertson & Sons, Inkerman, New Perth.
1/2 bushel Wealthy, John Robertson & Sons, Inkerman, New Perth.
1 bushel Pewakee, John A. Ferguson, Marshfield.
1 bushel Stark, Fred A. Pigott, Savage Harbor.Section 2 - Preserved fruit exhibit consisting of thirty-two sample lots of eight apples or so each which have been sent to the Nappan Farm to be preserved in fluid and exhibited in glass bottles.
Mann, grown by Alfred Dewar, Southport.
Talman Sweet, John C. Clark, Bay View.
English Red Streak, John C. Clark, Bay View.
Manx Codling, John C. Clark, Bay View.
Hubbardson's Nonsuch, J. C. Clark, Bay View.
Winter Bough, J. C. Clark, Bay View.
Blue Pearmain, S. Mason, East Royalty.
Fraughty Pearmin, Mrs. William Cairns, Dunstaffnage.
Nonpareil, E. Bayfield, Charlottetown.
Stump, A. Mason, East Royalty.
Hyslop Crab, Jacob Bain, Cornwall.
---------------, John McGregor, Southport.
Northern Spy, John McGregor, Southport.
Wealthy, Harold Newson, Rocky Point.
Flushing Spitzenburg, Mrs. Henry McLeod, Dunstaffnage.
McIntosh Red, Alex. A. Moore, Pownal.
Gideon, Alex. A. Moore, Pownal.
King of Tompkins Co., Henry Howard, York.
Ribston Pippin, Henry Howard, York.
Wolff River, Neil Simpson, Cavendish.
Emperor Alexander, Senator Ferguson. Marshfield.
Scott's Winter, Mrs. Francis Bain, North River.
--------------, Milton Bovyer, Southport.
Gravenstein, Senator Ferguson, Marshfield.
Ontario, John Johnson, Long River.
Magog's Red Streak, Henry A. Stewart, Hamilton.
Ben Davis, Henry A Stewart, Hamilton.
Bethel, William Johnson, Long River.
Chenango Strawberry, John Campbell, Park Corner.
Cranberry, William Taylor, St. Peter's Island.
Cranberry (spice or Scotch gray), John C. Clark, Bay View.
Pear, Louise, Senator Ferguson, Tulloch, Marshfield.