Submitted by Christine Gorman
From the Daily Examiner, January 8, 1898.
A concert and pie social under the auspices of the Roseneath Lodge, I. O. G. T., was at the Roseneath Hall, on the 28th ult. The following programme was successfully rendered:
O.S. Gordon, Esq.
Vocal Solo
Milton T. Munn
Dialogue - "The Storm"
G. E. Bulpitt, Miss Maud H. Munn, Miss Annie Stewart, T. E. Bulpitt and Milton Munn.
Vocal Solo
Thomas Cameron.
Miss Ella Cameron.
Dialogue - "Coming to an Understanding."
Miss Maud Munn, E. P. Munn, and G. E. Bulpitt.
Vocal Solo
Miss Maggie Stewart.
Miss Phoebe McDonald
Dialogue - "Josiah's First Courtship."
Miss Annie Stewart, A. Hamilton, T. E. Bulpitt, and Milton T. Munn.
Miss Maggie Stewart and R. M. McMillan.
Violin Music
Joseph McPhee.
If the long and continuous applause from the audience be taken as evidence of reward, then the parties engaged in the above programme were well repaid. The entertainment was followed by a sale of pies, auctioned by John A. Dewar, Esq., of New Perth. If the good prices paid for the pies and the rapidity with which they were got rid of be taken as an indication of the down-fall of the government, then its fall must be great and its ruin speedy and complete. [???]
A sum of thirty dollars was realized which is to be expended on finishing the interior of the hall. We were pleased to notice among the audience a number of students from Prince of Wales College, who are spending their Christmas holidays with their friends, who no doubt will give a good account of themselves at the proper time. With pleasure we mention Miss Grace Gordon, Mr Heber Smith, Roseneath; Mr. Brenton Alley, Cardigan; Mr. A. Cameron, C. McCann, Montague. Success to the students.
A meeting of the shareholders of the Roseneath Hall Co., was convened in the hall on the 4th inst. The retiring directors presented a very satisfactory report leaving a substantial balance on hand after discharging all liabilities incurred in finishing the outside of the hall.
The following were appointed directors for the ensuing year: Thomas Bulpitt, Daniel MacQuarrie, Dougald Munn, John A. Stewart, O. S. Gordon, Duncan McIntyre, and George Smith.