Centennial of St John's Masonic Lodge, 1897

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

1897 Masons

From the Daily Examiner, Oct 14, 1897.

Centennial of St John's Lodge, Charlottetown, in the Opera House, Masonic Temple Building.

There were present between about fifty and sixty members of the Order; Summerside, Cape Traverse, Montague Bridge and Alberton being among the outside places represented.

Worshipful Master Adam Murray presided and opened the proceedings in an address befitting the occasion. He then called on Past Grand Master McLean who read the original charter of St. John's Lodge. The charter was granted on the 9th of October, 1797, upwards of 100 years ago, and the parchment is seared and crumpled with age.

Past Grand Secretary Wakeford then read a most interesting historical sketch of St. John's Lodge since its inception. In the course of his address, Bro. Wakeford stated that out of total membership of ninety-nine, the Lodge had at present on its roll thirty-two who were initiated upwards of a quarter of century ago.

These are: ---

Edward B Love, 8th March, 1842

Adam Murray, 11th January, 1853

John Ross, 12th April, 1853

James B. Pollard, 14th March, 1854

John J Fraser, 12th January, 1858

John Bell, 1st March, 1858

Benjamin Rogers, 13th June, 1858

John G. J. Weldon, 16th June, 1859

Thomas J. Leeming, 4th July, 1859

John Hobbs, 11th October, 1859

James Beales, 11 June, 1861

Archibald White, 29th July, 1861

David May, 29th November, 1861

A. Newton Large, 14th April, 1863

Robert McPherson, 6th January, 1864

James Dollar, 8th March, 1864

George Wilson, 8th August, 1865

Samuel N. Earle, 11th January, 1867

Lemuel M. Poole, 18th May, 1867

John Newson, 18th May, 1867.

Simon W. Crabbe, 13th July, 1867

William H Batt, 7th September, 1867

David Small, 15th October, 1867

Richard E. Bagnall, 14th January, 1868

Roderick K. McKenzie, 11th February, 1868

William Henry Aitken, 9th June, 1868

Richard P. Bagnall, 10th November, 1868

Hugh McEwen, 10th September, 1869

George D. Davison, 6th June, 1871

David R. McLennan, 6th June, 1871

George E. Millner, 18th October, 1871

Francis A. Bell, 12th December, 1871.

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