Meeting of Lobster Packers, 1896

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

The Daily Examiner, Charlottetown, Nov 4, 1896

Free Expression of Opinion Concerning the Fishing Season

A large meeting of lobster packers called by the Minister of Marine and Fisheries was held in the Market Building to-day, Mr. J A. Matheson in the Chair. Messrs D. Davies, James Clow, A. J. McDonald, A. F. Larkins, John McLean, Thomas Kickham, R. N. Cox, W. H. Prowse, D. McKinnon, W. F. Tidmarch, Fred. McRae, D. Farquharson, George, D. Longworth, Charles Lyons, Horace Haszard, James Taylor, Theophilus Stewart, Frank Schaffer, W. A Leard, Capt. Piggott, J. S. Allan, J. H. Myrick, Peter McNutt, W. Irving, John Agnew, W. W. Longworth, Gilbert DesRoche, Vincent Harrington, Alder Clark, Charles Woodman, Michael McElroy, Thomas Howatt, G. B. McEachern, Senator Arsenault and others expressed their opinions concerning the season for fishing, --- the consensus of opinion being there should be only one season, but that it might differ as to time from the 1st of May to the 1st or 15th of July on the North East and West Shores of the Island, and from the 15th of August to the end of October on the South Shore

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