1895 Cherry Valley Sunday School Anniversary

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Submitted by Christine Gorman


From the Daily Examiner, Sept. 27, 1895.

A very successful service was held in connection with the Methodist Sunday School at Cherry Valley on Sunday last. The church was crowded and a number were standing outside when the pastor, the Rev. John Goldsmith, announced the opening hymn. The first item on the pro-gramme was an address by the pastor on "The Bible, and how it should be studied." The address emphasized the fact that every properly conducted Sunday School stood for the intelligent, comprehensive, logical and independent study of the Bible, according to a definite plan and with a clearly defined object in view. Recitations were given by Misses Eva Mutch, Winnie McLeod, Fanny Crane, Tillie Hayden, Katie Mutch, Muriel Mutch, Mary Hayden, Maud Mutch, Birtie Mutch, Helen Mutch, Louise Mutch, and Masters Geo. Mutch, Willie Mutch, Findley Judson and Roy Mutch. Solos were effectively given by Mrs. Hayden Van Iderstine and Mrs MacLean, and several selections, well-rendered by the choir of Vernon River South, added much to the interest of the occasion. Miss Mary Hayden of Vernon River presided at the organ with her accustomed ability. After a collection of $6 had been taken up in aid of the Funds of the School, this very profitable and interesting service was brought to a close. (Communicated.)

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