Act of Assembly, P.E.I., the 56thYear of Victoria’s Reign, 1893

From the library of Donna Collings.

Act of Assembly, P.E.I., the 56thYear of Victoria’s Reign, 1893, Page 111.

Tired of hearing of budget over runs and the Deficit? Lets take a run down memory lane to the Year, 1893, and take a look at an act presented and passed by the P.E.I. Government to appropriate moneys necessary for the running of the Province. I guess it could be called their budget! This is from “The Act of Assembly for P.E.I., 1893" a listing of acts passed within the Fourth Session of the Thirty First General Assembly, in the year 1893. While not genealogy, it will be interesting to all of us from an Historical perspective.

An Act for Appropriating Certain Moneys therein mentioned for the Service of the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-three.

(Assented to 20th April, 1893)

May it Please your Honour:

We, Her Majesty’s dutiful and loyal subjects, the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island, towards appropriating the several supplies raised for the exigencies of Her Majesty’s Government and for other purposes hereinafter mentioned, do humbly beseech that it be enacted:

And be it therefore enacted by the Administration of the Government, Council, and Assembly, as follows:-

That by and out of such moneys as from time to time shall be and remain in the public Treasury of this Province there shall be allowed and paid for service thereinafter mentioned the several sums following:-

{Note: In the interest of easing the reading and entering of sums in this document they will be represented numerically, although in the Act, they are presented in long hand)

The salary of the Attorney General and Advocate General$1300.00
The salary of the clerk of the Crown$520.00
The salary of the Prothonotary$800.00
Deputies to the Prothonotary$1000.00
High Sheriffs$600.00
The salary of the Crier of the Supreme Court$100.00
Fees and Dispursements of Supreme Court$1700.00
Printing and Stationery, Supreme Court$150.00
Crown Prosecutions in the Supreme Court$200.00
Court House, Charlottetown, Keeper’s salary$400.00
Court House, Charlottetown for fuel, lights, etc. $1100.00
Court House, Georgetown, Keeper’s salary$60.00
Court House, Georgetown for fuel, lights, etc.$50.00
Gaol, Queens County, Keeper’s salary$400.00
Salary of Assistant Gaoler, Queens County Gaol$365.00
Medical Attendant, Queen’s County Gaol$32.00
Salary, Matron, Queen’s County Gaol$50.00
Maintenance, Queen’s County Gaol$1050.00
Keeper’s salary, Prince County Gaol$250.00
Maintenance, Prince County Gaol$600.00
Keeper’s salary, King’s County Gaol$200.00
Maintenence, King’s County Gaol$50.00
Salaries of Clerks of County Courts$2750.00
Bailiff’s Fees, County Courts$130.00
Rents and Dispursements of County Courts$550.00
Printing and Stationery of County Courts$80.00
Miscellaneous for the Administration of Justice$100.00
Boards of Health$250.00
Coroner’s Inquests$100.00
Mileage of Members of the Executive Council$250.00
Printing and Stationery, Executive Council$50.00
The salary of the Chief Superintendant of Education$1200.00
The salary of the Clerk to the Superintendant of Education$600.00
The salaries of two Inspectors of Schools$1600.00
The salary of the Principal of Prince of Wales College and Normal School$1200.00
The salary of the First Professor of Prince of Wales College and Normal School $1000.00
The salary of the Second Professor of Prince of Wales College and Normal School$1000.00
The salary of the Third Professor of Prince of Wales College and Normal School$800.00
The salary of the Fourth Professor of Prince of Wales College and Normal School$600.00
The salary of the Music Instructor of Prince of Wales College and Normal School$164.00
Instructor of Book Keeping in connection with Prince of Wales College and Normal School$200.00
The salaries of District Teachers and Supplements$102,000.00
Bonuses to Teachers$2000.00
Scholarships, of Prince of Wales College and Normal School$400.00
Travelling Expenses of Chief Superintendant of Education$180.00
Travelling Expenses of Professor of Agriculture$25.00
Printing, Stationery, etc.$500.00
For Fuel, etc. of Prince of Wales College and Normal School$700.00
Miscellaneous Education$300.00
General Exhibition for the whole Province$2000.00
Local Exhibition, Prince County$1000.00
Local Exhibition, King’s County$1000.00
Miscellaneous Exhibitions$50.00
Salary of the Medical Superintendant of the Hospital for the Insane$1000.00
Maintenance, Hospital for the Insane$15,000.00
Printing and Stationery, Hospital for the Insane$60.00
Interest to Banks$525.00
Interest on Debentures$6,336.00
Interest on Trust Funds$390.00
Salaries of Inspectors of Licenses, and for the Enforcement of the Canada Temperance Act$1000.00
Expenses of Legislation and Printing of Sessional Laws$12,500.00
Purchase of Books for the Legislative Library$20.00
Printing and Stationery for the Lieutenant Governor’s Office$40.00
Fire Department, Charlottetown$650.00
Fire Department, Summerside$150.00
School for the Blind, Halifax$150.00
Mrs. Mary Whelan$300.00
For Subsidy, Telephone Company of Prince Edward Island$500.00
Provincial Rifle Association$100.00
Queen Square Gardens$200.00
Miscellaneous Expenditure$1000.00
Maintenance of Poor House$3,300.00
Pauper Scales$2,600.00
For Paupers, at disposal of Executive Council$500.00
Public Postage and rental of Post Office Boxes$400.00
The salary of the Provincial Secretary-Treasurer and Commissioner of Public Lands (half each office)$1300.00
The salary of the Assistant Provincial Secretary-Treasurer$1000.00
Printing and Stationery, Secretary-Treasurer$130.00
Salary of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands$800.00
Salary of Draughtsman, Land Office$600.00
Salaries of Clerks$1000.00
Expenses of Surveys$20.00
Expenses of Collecting Tours$125.00
Printing, Advertising, and Stationery$400.00
Salary of the Provincial Auditor$800.00
Printing and Stationery$140.00
Salary of the Commissioner of Public Works$1300.00
Salary of the Secretary of Public Works$1000.00
Salary of Draughtsman and Engineer, Public Works$600.00
Travelling Expenses of Commissioner of Public Works$300.00
Travelling Expenses of Engineer of Public Works$400.00
Printing and Stationery$850.00
For Repairs, Hospital for the Insane$200.00
Provincial Building and Offices$200.00
For Repairs, Prince of Wales College and Normal School$100.00
For Repairs, Poor House$100.00
For Repairs, Stock Farm$100.00
For Repairs, Law Courts, Charlottetown and Offices$100.00
For Repairs, Courthouse, Georgetown$50.00
For Repairs, Court House and Jail, Summerside including new vault$750.00
For Repairs, Jail, Queen’s County$100.00
For Repairs, Jail, King’s County$50.00
For Repairs, County Court Houses$300.00
Cranberry Ferry, Hillsborough River$45.00
McCannell’s or Hickey’s Wharf, Hillsborough River$45.00
China Point Ferry$60.00
West River Ferry$100.00
Steamer “Elfin” Hillsborough River Ferry, repairs, fuel, wages, etc.$7000.00
Prince Street and Southport Ferry Docks, Floats and Wharves$200.00
Electric Lights, Prince Street Wharf, Charlottetown$180.00
Ice Boat, Prince Street Wharf$40.00
Night Watchman, Prince Street Wharf, Charlottetown $140.00
Steamer, “Southport”, Rocky Point, and West River Ferries, repairs, fuel, wages, etc/$6000.00
Sail Boat, Charlottetown and Rocky Point$450.00
Row Boat, Charlottetown and Rocky Point$40.00
Night Boat, Charlottetown and Rocky Point$13.00
Docks and Slips, Rocky Point and West River Ferries$50.00
Summerside and Hurd’s Point Ferry$1400.00
Ellis River Ferry$95.00
Walshtown Ferry, Lot 11$120.00
Launching Ferry$75.00
Cardigan Ferry$140.00
Poplar Point Ferry$85.00
Georgetown and Lower Montague Ferry$2600.00
Grand River Ferry, Lot 56$40.00
Ferry and other Wharves (exclusive of Charlottetown, Southport, and West River Ferries)$3500.00
For Coast and River Steam Service between Charlottetown, Orwell, and Crapaud$2400.00
For Packet Service between Charlottetown, Rustico, and New London$275.00
For Packet Service between Charlottetown, Wood Islands, Flat River, Pinette, and Belle River$250.00
For Packet Service, Grand River and Clay’s Wharf, Souris, and Annandale$95.00
For Packet Service, Charlottetown, Murray Harbour (North and South), South River Bridge, Murray River Bridge, and Basin Wharf$90.00
Rights of way for New Roads$2500.00
For Roads, Culverts, and small Bridges, Queen’s, King’s, and Prince Counties$15,000.00
For Road Machines$650.00
For Salaries and Commissions and Postage of Supervisors$3000.00
For Bridges, King’s, Queen’s, and Prince Counties$16,000.00
Bushing Ice$500.00
Telephones for Public Offices$180.00
Miscellaneous Public Works$1000.00
For salary of the Keeper, Provincial Building$400.00
For Salary of Messenger to Public Offices $225.00
Fuel, light, etc., Provincial Building$1200.00
The salary of Registrar of Deeds$900.00
The salary of Assistant Registrar of Deeds$600.00
Salaries of Engrossing Clerks$2100.00
Books and Stationery$120.00
The salary of Stenographer, Typewriter, etc.$1000.00
Stationery, Stenographer and Typewriter’s Office$100.00
For Bonus to Dairy Associations$150.00
For new Steamer for Southport Ferry$18,000.00
To purchase Paris Green for distribution$1000.00
For subsidy for steamer to run between Souris, Georgetown, Montague, Murray Harbour, Murray River, Annandale, Charlottetown, and Pictou, and Lower Cardigan, where required$500.00

Granted for disposal of the Government, a sum sufficient out of the amount voted for the contingencies of the House of Assembly to pay the Speaker of the House four hundred dollars, and to each member one hundred and sixty dollars for his attendance during the present session, together with his travelling expenses in coming to and returning from the House of Assembly, and also the sum of twelve dollars to each Member of the House of Assembly for Stationery and Postage.

Granted at the disposal of the Government a sum sufficient to pay the following amounts:-

A sum of four hundred dollars to the President of the Legislative Council, and one hundred and sixty dollars to each of the Members of the said Council, for his attendance during the present session, together with his travelling expenses (as allowed to Members of the House of Assembly) in coming to and returning from the Legislative Council, the same to be paid out of the amount voted for the contingency expenses of the Legislative Council, and also the sum of twelve dollars to each Member of the Council for Stationery and Postage.

End of Act.

Dave Hunter and The Island Register: Source Code and Graphics© 1997

Last Updated: 1/25/98 11:20:51 AM

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