Submitted by Christine Gorman
From The Daily Examiner, December 24, 1891.THE CITY SCHOOLS. The city Schools closed today for the Christmas vacation. The day's unrest among the pupils attested the anticipation of the amount of enjoyment to be got out of a Christmas vacation. Valuable and handsome presents were received by the teachers from the scholars of the several departments of the West Kent School, amongst which may be mentioned : To Mr. Miller, principal, a superbly finished hall lamp; Mr. Duncan, vice-principal, a handsomely mounted ebony inkstand (double); Mr. Shaw, a costly photo album; Mr. Thomson, an elegant writing-desk and stationary; Miss Wadman, an autograph album, wallet, and writing case; Miss Ashley, a handsome cabinet photo album, glove box, flower vase, cup and saucer; Miss Stumbles, booklets, cards, etc.; Miss Currie, a handsome cabinet photo album superpose[d] on a drawer box, toilet bottle, etc. The teachers supplied, as is their wont, the wherewithal for a Christmas dinner for their
Janitor. On no occasion did they discharge more heartily this pleasing act than on the present occasion. Mr Vance has in every respect shown himself to be the right man in the right place.
At Queen Square School, Principal McSwain was presented with an address and a handsome photo album; Mr. Smith with an elegant inkstand; and Miss Fennessey a copy of Shakespeare's works. We have not heard what presents the other teachers received.