The Canadian Parliamentary Companion - 1887
Prince Edward Island.
(Entered Confederation 1st July, 1872.)
Lieutenant Governor:* - His Honor, Andrew Archibald Macdonald. Descended from the Clanranald branch of the Macdonalds of the Isles. S. of Hugh and Catherine Macdonald , of Panmure, and gransds. of Andrew Macdonald, who purchased a large tract of land in the Province, and with his family and retainers emigrated from Inverness-shire, Scot., and settled at Three Rivers, P.E.I., in 1806, where he and his sons carried on an extensive mercantile business for many years. B. at Three Rivers, P.E.I., in 1829. M., in 1863, Elizabeth, dau. of the late Thomas Owen, formerly Provincial Postmaster-General. Ed. at the County Grammar Sch., and by private tutor. Was U.S. Consular Agent at Three Rivers, from 1849 to 1870. Sat as a representative for Georgetown in House of Assem., from 1854 to 1870. When Leg. Council became elective in 1863 was returned as a representative of the second dist. of King�s Co. in L.C., and was again re-elected in 1867; continued a mem. of that body until June 1873, when apptd. Postmaster-General of the Province; was Postmaster at Charlottetown until 1st Aug., 1884, and Post Office Inspector for the Province from 1880, to 1st Aug., 1884. Was one of the delegates to the Charlottetown Conference on the Union of the Lower Provinces in 1864, and in Sept., of the same year, a delegate to the Quebec Conference which succeeded it, and arranged the basis of Union of all the B.N.A. Colonies. Was a delegate to the International Convention at Portland, U.S., 1868, and a mem. of the Board of Education, 1867 to 1870. Is a Public Trustee under the Land Purchase Act, 1875, and a Chief of the P.E.I. Caledonia Club. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council from 1867 until 1872, and again from 18 April, 1872, until Confederation. Was leader of the Govt. Party in Leg. Council for some years. First returned as a member of the Liberal party in carrying out Responsible Government and extended Franchise. When the Conservative section of the party joined the Liberal section of the Conservative party, he united with them in Perfecting the Free Education Act, the Land Purchase Act, the Railway Act, Confederation, and other progressive measures. Apptd. Lieut.-Governor of P.E.I. 1st August, 1884. (Salary, $7000.) - Government House, Charlottetown.
Private Secretary. - Æneas A. Macdonald, Esq. Apptd. 1 Aug., 1885
Aide-de-Camp. - Major Jas. D. Irving, A.M. Apptd. Sept. 1885.
*Previous Lieutenant Governors
Sir W. C. F. Robinson, K.C.M.G., from 1870 to 1874.
Sir Robert Hodgson, Kt., from 1874 until July 1879.
Hon. T. H. Haviland, Q.C. from 14th July, 1879 to 1st Aug. 1884.
Legislative Council (Elected Nov. 1882 and Nov., 1886)
President - Hon. J. Balderson (Elected 20th March, 1883.)
Clerk - John Ball (Apptd, April 1867 $694.)
Sergt. At Arms - (Leg Assem.) D. MacKenzie ($200)
Number: 13, session allowance $172 each and mileage.
Balderston, Hon. John. (Queens 1st District)
Eldest s. of the late Benjamin Balderston, who was a mill owner and machinist in Linconshire, Eng., and who emigrated to P.E.I., 1822. Mothers maiden name, Miss Elizabeth Deacon, of Wexford, Ireland. B. at Little York, P.E.I. in 1831. Ed. there. M., 1862 to Miss Sarah L. Weeks. Has been a Commr. or Judge of the Small Debt Court. First returned to the L.C. for the present seat 1866; re-elected 1874, and again at election, Nov. 1882. Appt�d. Presdt. 1877; re-appointed after g.e. 1879, and again in 1883. A Liberal. - Fountain Farm, North Wiltshire, P.E.I.
Clow, James, J.P. (Kings 2nd District)
B. in 1837. Is a merchant and farmer, and a J.P. First returned to L.C. at election held in Nov. 1882. A Conservative. - Murray Harbour, P.E.I.
Dodd, Thomas Walker (Charlottetown and Royalty)
S. of Capt. Samuel W. Dodd, who came to PEI in 1820 from Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng. B. 26th Dec, 1819. Ed. in Charlottetown. M., 1st in 1844, Jane, second dau. of W. Gardner, Esq., who died in 1870; 2nd 13th July 1872, Fannie, dau. of Hon. Dr. Johnson, Lincolnshire, Eng. App�t a J.P. 1861; served as High Sheriff of Queens Co. 1865-6; a Comm�r. of the Court at Charlottetown for the recovery of small debts until its abolition; a Dir. of the Union Bank of P.E.I. from 1863 to 1883 when it amalgamated with the Bank of Nova Scotia. Was Provl. Secy. and Treasurer in the Davies administration from Sept. 1878 to March 1879. An unsuccessful candidate for Charlottetown in the House of Assem. At g.e. 1867 and 1870. First returned to L.C. in 1872, on the resignation of the sitting member, Hon. T. H. Haviland. Re-elected at g.e. 1878. Is leader of the Opposition. A Liberal. - Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Fraser, James William, M.D. (Kings, 1st District)
Of Highland Scotch descent. B. at Pictou, N.S. 1850. Ed at the Academy there and at Harvard Univ., Mass. where he graduated M.D. in 1871. M., Dec., 1875, Tollo Marie, dau. of the late J. F. Newberry, Esq., of Charlottetown. Settled in St. Peter�s in 1871, where he has since continued to practise his profession. Is a member of the firm of McCallum and Fraser, fish and meat packers. First returned to L.C. for the present seat at election held 15th Nov. 1882. A Liberal. - (St. Peter�s Bay, Kings Co., P.E.I.
Kickham, Thomas (King�s 1st District)
Is a brother to the late Lawrence Kickham, M.L.C. First returned at last g.e. - Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Laird, Alexander (Prince, 2nd District)
Son of the late Hon. Alex. Laird, and brother to Hon. David Laird, ex-Lieut. Gov., N.W.T. B. at New Glasgow, PEI in 1830. Ed. there. M,. 1st, at Bedeque, Jan. 1864, Rebecca P., dau. of the late Ephriam Read, Esq.; 2nd to Annie, youngest dau. of the late Samuel Carruthers, Esq. Is Presdt. of the Agricultural Mutual Fire Ins. Co. of P.E.I. Was a mem. of the Ex-Council, P.E.I., from 1867 until Aug. 1870, and a mem. of the Board of Works for two years. Was a member of the Davis administration from Sept. 1876 to March 1879. Sat for Prince, 4th Dist. in P.E.I. Assem. from 1867 until 1870, and in Leg. Co. for Prince, 2nd Dist. from 29th Oct. 1874 until Nov. 1878. An unsuccessful candidate for Prince 4th Dist. in the Assem. at g.e. 1882. Re-elected to Leg. Co. Nov. 1886. A Liberal. - Bedeque House, Summerside, P.E.I.
Martin, Alexander (Queens Co., 2nd Dist.)
S. of Alex. Martin, Esq., Springton, P.E.I. B. there 1842. Ed. at Normal Sch. and Academy in Charlottetown. M., Feb. 1868, Anne, dau. of Roderick McLeod, Esq. of Uigg, P.E.I. Is a merchant and farmer. First returned to Ho. of Assem. 20th Feb. 1884. An unsuccessful candidate at g.e., June 1886. First returned to Leg. Co., Nov. 1886. A Conservative, and in favour of the abolition of the Leg. Co. - Valleyfield, Queens Co., P.E.I.
MacKenzie, Angus Bruce (Queens, 1st District)
Descended from the MacKenzies of Ross-shire. Fifth s. of the late Mr. John MacKenzie, of Hartsville, Strathalbyn, who came from Inverness-shire, Scot., in 1840, by Catherine, dau. of Geo. McLeod, of Toran, Raasay. B. in Scot. Ed. at Hartsville Sch. and the Central Academy, Charlottetown. Is a merchant. First returned to L.C. for present seat, Nov. 1876; re-elected Nov. 1878 and again in Nov. 1886. A Liberal - Charlottetown, P.E.I.
MacNutt, Peter (Prince, 2nd District)
Youngest s. of the late Hon. Peter MacNutt, of Darnley, PEI, who was the second s. of the late Jas. MacNutt, Esq. who came to the Island as Private Secretary to Gov. Patterson in 1770. B. at Darnley, P.E.I., 5th April, 1834, and ed. there and at the Central Academy, Charlottetown. M., 30th June, 1861, Anna Stewart MacNutt, of Malpeque, P.E.I. Is a merchant and farmer. Was a Commr. of Small Debts until the County Courts were established; has been a Coroner for Prince Co., since 1863, and was High Sheriff of that Co. in 1875-6 and 1876-7. First returned for present seat in L.C. at a bye (sic) - election in June 1882; re-elected at the g.e. 15th Nov. 1882. A Liberal. - Darnley, Prince Co., Malpeque P.O., P.E.I.
Murphy, Joseph (Prince, 1st District)
B. in Prince Co., 11th April, 1827, and ed. in the Common schools there. M., 18th Oct. 1847, Mary Bulger. Is a farmer. Was a Commr. of Highways for 15 years, and has been on the Comm�n. of the Peace. First returned to Leg. Co., at election held 15th Nov. 1882. A Liberal, and opposed to the abolition of the Leg. Co. - Lot No. 11, Prince Co., P.E.I.
Nicholson, Hon. James (Queen�s, 2nd Dist.)
Son of Samuel Nicholson, who emigrated to PEI in 1802 from the Isle of Skye, Scot., by Flora McLeod. B. at Belfast, PEI, 16th Oct. 1827, and ed. at the District School there. M., 15th Sept. 1855, at County Harbour, N.S., Mary Jane Munroe. A farmer. First returned to Leg. Assem. 7th Nov. 1878 by acclamation; re-elected at g.e. 1879; defeated at g.e. 1882. Elected to Leg. Co., Nov. 1882. Appt�d. a mem. of Ex. Co. 29th Jan 1887. A Liberal Conservative. - Eldon, Belfast, P.E.I.
Rogers, Benjamin (Prince, 1st District)
Parents migrated from Wales about 1832. B. at Bedeque, PEI, 7th Aug. 1837. Ed. at Bedeque. M., 20 Feb., 1862, at Tignish, P.E.I., to Susannah Abell, third dau. of Capt. William Hubbard. A Commr. of Small Debts and a J.P. First returned to Leg. Co., Nov., 1878, and re-elected Nov. 1886. Leader of the Opposition in the Leg. Co. from 1883 to 1886. A Liberal. - Albarton (sic), P.E.I.
Scrimgeour, John Gow. (King�s 2nd District)
S. of John Scrimgeour, a native of Perthshire, Scot., who came to P.E.I. in 1843. B. in Glasgow, Scot., 1842, and ed. in P.E.I. M., 1885, Charlotte, dau. of Jacob Sencabaugh, of Murray Harbour. A farmer. Was Usher of the Black Rod in Leg. Council 1879-80. First returned to Ho. Of Assem. in 1871. An unsuccessful candidate at g.e. 1872. Elected at g.e. 1876, but resigned in 1878. First returned to L.C. Nov., 1886. A Liberal. - Cardigan Bridge, P.E.I.
House of Assembly
(Elected June 1886; Expires 1890)
*Speaker. - Hon. John A. MacDonald. Re-apptd. 20th Mar., 1883)
*Previous Speakers:
1) Hon. Cornelius Howat, from 1874 to 1876.
2) Hon. Henry Beer, from March 1887 to 1879.
3) Hon. John A. MacDonald, from 24th April, 1879 to 1882.
Clerk. - Archibald McNeill. First Appt. Apr. 1873. Re-apptd. March 1877(?); again re-apptd. 24th Apr. 1876. (Salary, $650.)
Number: 30; sessional allowance, $172 and mileage.
Arsenault, Hon. Joseph Octave, J.P. (Prince. 3rd District)
Of Acadian descent. B. in P.E.I., 5th Aug. 1828. Ed. there. M., April 1861, Miss Gaudet, also of Acadian descent. Is a general merchant and farmer. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, 25th July 1873, to 1876. Re-apptd. 11th March, 1879. Has sat in the Ho. of Assem. Continuously since g.e. 1867. A Conservative. - Wellington Station, P.E.I.
Bell, John Howatt, M.A. (Prince 4th District)
S. of Walter Bell, of Cape Traverse, P.E.I. Born there, 13th Dec., 1845. Ed. at Prince of Wales Coll., Charlottetown, and at Albert Univ., Belleville, Ont, where he took degree of B.A. M., 1882, Helen, dau. of Cornelius Howatt, Esq., of St. Eleanors. Has been called to the bar in the Provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, and P.E.I. First returned to Ho. of Assem. at last g.e. A Liberal. - Summerside, P.E.I.
Bentley, Hon. George Whitefield Wheelock. (Prince, 4th District)
S. of Thomas and Hannah Bentley, who emigrated from England. B. at Margate, P.E.I., 21st Dec., 1842. Ed. there. M., 9th Feb., 1870, Emma Jane, dau. Of William Dennis, Esq. A merchant and farmer. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Co. and Commr. of Public Works. 29th Jan. 1887. First returned to Ho. of Assem. at g.e. 1879, and re-elected at g.e. 1882, and again at last g.e. A Conservative. - Kensington, P.E.I.
Blake, Patrick. (Charlottetown.)
S. of Patrick Blake, a native of the Co. of Tipperary, Irel. B. at Charlottetown, PEI, 8th March, 1846. Ed. at public schools. M., 20 Feb., 1870, Miss Annie Bell Inman. Is senior partner of the firm of Blake Brothers, wholesale merchants and exporters of cattle to Great Britain. Elected a mem. of the Municipal Co. in Charlottetown, Jan., 1880, and re-elected for two years in Jan., 1881. First returned to H. of Assem., at g.e. 1882 and re-elected last g.e. A Liberal Conservative, and in accord with the general policy of the present Govt. of P.E.I. - Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Farquharson, Donald, J.P. ( Queen�s Co., 2nd District)
B. in Queens Co., PEI, 27th July, 1834, and ed. at the Central Academy, Charlottetown. M., 1st March, 1860, to Miss D. E. M. Smith of Pownal; 2nd, Oct., 1870, to Miss Sarah Moore, of Charlottetown. Is a merchant and a J.P. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council, P.E.I., for a short time in 1878-9. First returned to the Ho. of Assem. at g.e. 1876; re-elected at g.e. 1879, 1882, and again at last g.e. A Liberal. - Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Ferguson, Hon. Donald. (Queen�s Co., 3rd District)
Grandparents emigrated from Blair, in Athol, Perth-shire, Scot., and settled near Charlottetown in 1807. B. at East River, P.E.I., 7th March, 1839. M., 26th March, 1873, Elizabeth, dau. of John Scott, Charlottetown. Is a farmer. Is a Commr. for the management of the Govt. Stock Farm at Falconwood; Trustee of the Hospital for the Insane at Falconwood, and Commr. for the management of the Govt. Poor House, Charlottetown. Was political writer for the Island Argus in 1869 and 1870, and Collector of Island Revenne (sic) for Charlottetown for a short time in 1873. Was a delegate in Ottawa in 1883 with Messrs. Sullivan and Prowse on the question of the piers of P.E.I., and also a delegate to Eng., in 1886 with the Hon. Mr. Sullivan on the non-fulfilment of the terms of union with regard to steam communication between P.E.I., and the mainland of Canada. Contested Queen�s Co., 1st Div. for L.C. un-successfully in 1873, and 1874, and was again defeated for the Fort Augustus Dist. for the Ho. of Assem., in 1876. Returned for King�s, 3rd Dist., by acclamation, in June, 1878, on resignation of the sitting mem. On the resignation of the Davies Ministry in March, 1879, became a mem. of the Ex. Council and Commr. of Public Works, elected by acclamation at the g.e. of 1879. Apptd. March, 1880, Provl. Secretary and Commr. of Crown Lands. Elected for present seat at g.e. 1882, and re-elected at last g.e. Re-signed and was an unsuccessful candidate for the Coms. at g.e. 1887. Re-elected and re-apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Co. and Provl. Secy. Treas. and Commr. Public Works, 1st Mar., 1887. A Conservative; one of the earliest advocates of Confederation in P.E.I. - Tulloch, near Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Forbes, George. (Queen�s 4th District.)
Parents natives of Perthshire, Scot. B. and Ed. in P.E.I. M., Jessie Isabella Stewart, of Hillsboro� River. Is a merchant and has been Postmaster of Vernon River Bridge. First returned to Ho. of Assem., at last g.e. A Liberal. - Vernon River Bridge, P.E.I.
Gillis, John F., M.D., C.M. (Prince 5th District)
Family came from the Western Islands, Scot., and settled on the North Shore of Richmond Bay, P.E.I. Fifth s. of John P. Gillis, an extensive farmer in the settlement of Miscouche, P.E.I. B. there 21st Oct., 1846. Ed. at St. Dunstan�s Coll., Charlottetown, and at McGill Coll., Montreal, where he graduated with honours in 1877. M., 26th Sep., 1882, Regina, dau. of Thos. Doyle, Esq., Prince Co. First returned to the House of Assem., at g.e. 1882, and re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative. - Summerside, P.E.I.
Gordon, Daniel. (Georgetown)
Parents came from Scot. B. at Brudenell River, PEI, 1821. Ed. at the county Grammar Sch. M., June, 1854, Bridget, dau. of John Kearney, Esq., Georgetown, P.E.I. (She died June, 1884). Is a merchant and ship owner. Is Presdt. of the Liberal Assoc. of King�s Co., and Chairman of the Exhibition Commrs. for the Co. Elected to L.C. for the 4th Dist. King�s, 1886. First returned to the Ho. of Assem. at g.e. 1876, and was a member of the Ex. Council in the Davies Administration from 6th Sept., 1876 to 12th Sept., 1878, when he resigned. Re-elected at g.e. 1879 and 1882, and again at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. - Georgetown.
Kelly, Lucas Owen. (Queen�s 3rd District)
Youngest s. of late Hon. Francis Kelly, who came to P.E.I. in 1835, and afterwards represented Queen�s 3rd Dist., in the Ho. of Assem., for over twenty years, and was Commr. of Crown Lands from 1869-77. B. at Fort Augustus, 18 June, 1858. Ed. at Grammar Sch. there, at Prince of Wales Coll., and the Business Coll., Charlottetown. Is a farmer, and was a Commr. of the Peace. First returned to the Ho. of Assem. at last g.e. A Conservative. - Fort Agustus, P.E.I.
Macdonald, Hugh Lord. (King�s 3rd District)
S. of Angus Macdonald, formerly of the Island of Uist, Scot. B. at Cardigan River, 25th Mar., 1841. M., 26th July, 1875, Anna Louisa, dau. of the late Thomas Owen, Esq., Postmaster General of P.E.I. Is a contractor and a trader. First returned to the Ho. of Assem. at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. - Cardigan Bridge, P.E.I.
Lefurgey, Hon. John. (Prince, 5th District)
Descended from Loyalists. S. of the late William Lefurgey, Esq. B. at Bedeque, P.E.I. Ed. there. M. Doretha, dau. of the late Ephriam Reid, Esq., of N.B. A merchant and ship builder. Apptd. July 1886, a mem. of the Govt. Board to examine Candidates for the position of Fish Inspectors for Co. of Prince. Has been a member of the Ex. Council in the several govts. since 1873. First returned to the Ho. of Assem. July 1870, and has since been six times re-elected. A Conservative, and was in favour of Confederation; assisted in carrying the Railway Bill, and the Purification of Parlt. And Election Bills. - Summerville, P.E.I.
Macdonald, Hon. Archibald John, J.P. (Georgetown)
Second s. of Hugh Macdonald, Esq., of Panmure, who sat in the P.E.I. Assem. for many years, and held the office of Collector of Customs and Comptroller of Navigation Laws for Three Rivers, and the Sheriff of King�s Co., by Catherine, dau,. of Archibald Macdonald, Esq., of Rhue and Lochshiel, Inverness-shire, Scot. and grands. of Andrew Macdonald, Esq., late of the Island Thona, Inverness-shire aud (sic) Panmure, P.E.I. B. at Panmure, P.E.I., 10th Oct., 1834. Ed. at Georgetown and Charlottetown. M., 1 July, 1873, at Charlottetown, Marion, eld. dau. of D. Murphy, Esq., of London, and formerly of Hythe, Kent, Eng. Was Collector of Customs for Georgetown, several years, and Consular Agent for the U.S. A J.P. A Chairman of the King�s Co. Industrial Exhibition. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council from July, 1873 until Sept., 1876, when he was defeated on the Education question, owing to several of his colleagues in the Govt. having joined the Opposition before resigning, and dividing the Conservative vote. Filled the position of Chairman of Public Accounts in the House of Assem. First returned to the Ho. of Assem., March 1872; re-elected by acclamation in 1873. Re-elected at g.e. 1870, 1882, and again at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. - Georgetown, P.E.I.
Macdonald, Hon. John Alexander, J.P. (Prince, 3rd District)
S. of the late Angus Macdonald, Esq., J.P., of Bedeque and nephew of the late Right Rev. B. B. Macdonald, Bishop of Charlottetown. B. at Bedeque, P.E.I., 22nd Oct., 1838, and ed. there. M., June, 1875, Annie C., dau. of the late Robert McKelvie, Esq., J.P. of Indian River. Is a farmer and a J.P. Was a Chairman of the Board of Railway Appraisers from 1873 to 1876, and is a Governor and Trustee of Prince of Wales Coll. Was Speaker of the Ho. of Assem., P.E.I. from the first session after g.e. 1876 until the dissolution in 1879, and re-apptd. 20th March, 1883. Apptd. a mem. of the Ex. Council, 5th Sept. 1883. First returned to the Ho. of Assem. in 1870, and was re-elected at g.e. 1872, 1873, 1876, 1879, 1882, and at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. - Indian River, Lot 18, P.E.I.
Martin, Donald Charles. (Queen�s 4th District)
Ancestors emigrated to P.E.I. from Inverness-shire, Scot., in 1803. B. in Belfast, P.E.I., 1850. Ed. at Prince of Wales Coll., Charlottetown, and Dalhousie Coll., Halifax. Called to the Bar, P.E.I., 1879. First returned to the Ho. of Assem., at g.e. 1882, and re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal. - Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Matheson, John Archibald, J.P. (Prince 1st District)
S. of John Matheson, who came to P.E.I. From Ross-shire, Scot., and carried on ship building and farming for many years at Black River, PEI, by his wife, Ann Matheson, who came from Argyleshire, Scot. B. at Black River, Queens Co., 3rd Sept., 1844. Ed. there, and in Charlottetown. M. in Boston, Mass., 20th July, 1881, Emily M. Clowser, formerly of London, Eng. Is a merchant and a J.P. Has held the office of Postmaster. First returned to the Ho. of Assem. at g.e. 1882. Unseated for holding office while in the Ho., and re-elected April, 1883. Re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal. - Campbreton, Lot 4, P.E.I.
McLean, James R. (Kings, 1st District)
Of Highland Scotch descent. S. of Daniel and Sarah McLean. B. at Mt. Herbert, Queens Co., 1846. M., 1852 (?????... see birth date given) Matilda Jane Jury of Charlottetown. Is a member of the firm Matthew, McLean & Co., general merchants. First returned to the Ho. of Assem., at g.e. 1882 and re-elected at last g.e. A Conservative. - Souris East, P.E.I.
McLeod, Angus. (King�s 4th District.)
Forefathers came from the Scottish Highlands. B. at Valleyfield, P.E.I., 1845, and ed. there. M., 1871, at Georgetown, Jessie McDonald. Was a school teacher for 15 years, but is now engaged in farming. First returned to the Ho. of Assem. at last g.e. A Conservative. - Brown�s Creek, P.E.I.
McLeod, Neil, MA. (Charlottetown and Royalty.)
Of Scottish parentage. B. in P.E.I., 15th Dec., 1842. Ed. at Wolfville, N.S. and is a graduate of Acadia Coll., N.S. M. June, 1877, Adelia, dau. of James Hayden, Esq., of Vernon River, P.E.I. Called to the Bar, P.E.I., 1872. First returned to the Ho. of Assem., for the present seat at g.e. 1879. Sworn of the Ex. Coun., and Provl. Secretary and Treasurer, 11th March, 1879. Resigned his portfolio 3rd March, 1880. Re-elected at g.e. 1882, and again at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. - Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Prowse, Hon. Samuel. (King�s, 4th District.)
S. of the late Mr. Wm. Prowse, of Charlottetown Royalty, who came to P.E.I. from Devonshire, Eng. B. in the Royalty of Charlottetown 28th Aug., 1835. Ed. there. A J.P. A mem. of the Ex. Co. from Sept. 1876 to Aug. 1878; re-apptd. 11th March, 1879. First returned to Ho. of Assem., at g.e. 1867 for King�s 4th District. Contested the same district in 1873, and was defeated on the question of Confederation. Returned for present seat in 1876, and accepted a seat in the Coalition Govt. on the School question. Resigned the seat in the Govt. in Aug., 1878. Again returned at g.e. 1879, and accepted a seat in a Liberal Conservative Govt. Re-elected 31st July, 1882, and again at last g.e. A Liberal Conservative. - Murray Harbour, P.E.I.
Richard, James William. (Prince 2nd District.)
B. at Swansea, in Wales, 31st May, 1850. Ed. at Prince of Wales� and St. Dunstan�s Coll., Charlottetown. Unmarried. First returning to the Ho. of Assem., Oct. 1873, on resignation of sitting mem. Re-elected by acclamation 1876; re-elected at g.e. 1879, and again by acclamation at g.e. 1882 and at last g.e. A Conservative. - Bideford.
Shaw, Cyrus. (King�s 3rd District)
S. of Robert Shaw, a native of Colonsay, Scot., who emigrated first to N.S. and thence to P.E.I. B. at New Perth, P.E.I., 25th Jan., 1850, and ed. at Prince of Wales Coll. M. 27th Dec., 1883, Penelope Partridge. A farmer. First returned to Ho. of Assem., at last g.e. - A Liberal Conservative. - New Perth, P.E.I.
Sinclair, Peter. (Queen�s 1st District)
S. of the late Peter Sinclair, Esq., by Mary Crawford, both of Argyleshire, Scot. B. and Ed. there. M. Feb., 1879, Margaret, dau. of A. McMurdo, of New Annan. A farmer. First returned to the Ho. of Assem., 1867. Was apptd. a mem. of the Board of Education, 1868. Was a mem. of Ex. Co., from 1869 to 1871, when the Govt. resigned; and again in 1872, in the Haythorne Liberal Administration, when he acted as Govt. leader in the Assem. and was a member of the Board of Works. On the admission of P.E.I. into the Dominion, returned to Commons for Queen�s, Sept., 1873; re-elected by acclamation at g.e. 1874, and defeated at g.e. 1878. Elected to the Ho. of Assem., at g.e. 1882, and again at last g.e. A Liberal, and in favor of reciprocal trade with the U.S. - Summerfield, P.E.I.
Sullivan, Hon. William Wifred, Q.C. (King�s 2nd District)
Descended from an Irish family. B. at New London, P.E.I., 6th Dec., 1843. Ed. at Central Academy and at St. Dunstan�s Coll. M., at Charlottetown, 13th Aug., 1872, Alice Maud Mary, third dau. of John Fenton Newberry, Esq., (B.A., of Oxford Univ.), formerly of London, Eng., and of Siena, Italy. Called to the Bar of P.E.I., Trinity Term, 1867. Created a Q.C. by the Govt. of P.E.I., June 1876, and by the Dominion Govt., 19th May, 1879. Was one of the council for the Provincial Govt., in the interest of the tenants, before the Land Commissioners� Court, under the �Land Purchase Act, 1875�. Is a Surrogate in the Admiralty Court; Presdt. of the Board of Education, and Presdt. of the Board of Trustees of the P.E.I. Hospital for the Insane. Was a mem. of the Ex. Council from 22nd April to June 1872, when he resigned. Re-appointed to the Ex. Council, with the office of Solicitor-General, on the formation of the Pope Administration, 18th April, 1873. Resigned his seat in the Ex. Council upon the resignation of the Conservative Govt., 4th Sept., 1876. He was unanimously elected Leader of the Opposition at the meeting of the Assem., 14th March, 1877. On 1st March, 1879, moved, in the House, a resolution of non-confidence in the Government, which, after a long debate, was carried on 6th March, and the Administration resigned the following day. Was immediately invited by the Lieut.-Gov., Sir Robert Hodgson to form a new Government. Succeeded in forming an Administration, which was sworn in on 11th March, 1879. Was elected leader of the Govt. by the unanimous vote of his Party in both branches of the Leg., and was appointed Atty.-Gen. And Presdt. of the Ex. Council on the forming of the Administration. The House was dissolved, and a g.e. held 9th April, 1879, when the Govt. was sustained by a majority 26 to 4, being the largest support ever accorded to any Administration in P.E.I. First returned to Ho. of Assem. for Kings, 1st Dist., April, 1872; returned for present seat at g.e. April, 1873; by acclamation in May 1873, on his appointment to office. Re-elected at g.e. 1876, 1879, 1882, and again at last g.e. Continues to hold the position of Premier and Atty.-Gen. of the Province. A Liberal Conservative. - Brighton Villa, Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Sutherland, James Miller. (Queen�s County, 1st District)
S. of John S. Sutherland by his wife Marion Miller, natives of Scot., who emigrated to P.E.I., in 1844. B. at Park Corner, P.E.I., 30 June, 1853. Ed. at Prince of Wales Coll., Charlottetown. M. Miss Henderson. Called to the Bar, P.E.I., March 1877. First returned to the Ho. of Assem., at last g.e. A Liberal. - Charlottetown.
Wise, Joseph. (Queen�s 2nd District)
S. of Joseph Wise, who emigrated from Devonshire, Eng., and settled in P.E.I., about 1827. B. at N. Milton, 14th Oct, 1835. M., 1st, Jane, dau. of William Essery (She d.); 2nd, Sophia, widow of the late Albert McKinnon, Charlottetown. A farmer. Is R. W. Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of P.E.I. First returned to the Ho. of Assem, at last g.e. A Liberal. Favors Reciprocity and Free Trade. - North Milton, P.E.I.
Underhay, John Collin. (King�s 1st District)
S. of William Underhay, Esq., who emigrated to P.E.I., from Devonshire, Eng. In 1818, and filled several important offices on the Island, and of Mary Ann, dau. of James Withers, Sommerset, Eng. B. at Bay Fortune, P.E.I., 15th Jan., 1829. M., at St. Eleanors, 17th Sept., 1856, Rosaline, dau. of Hon. James Cresswell, M.L.C. Is a farmer and a Land Surveyor, and a J.P. Was for some years a Postmaster at Grand River, P.E.I. Was for three terms head of the Indep. Order of Good Templars in P.E.I., and was a representative from the Province at the Washington Session, 1884. First returned to the Ho. of Assem., at g.e. 1879; an unsuccessful candidate at g.e. 1882; re-elected at last g.e. A Liberal. - Bay Fortune, P.E.I.
Yeo, John. (Prince, 2nd District)
B. at Porthill, P.E.I., 29th June 1837. Ed. at Uxbridge, Eng. Unmarried. A merchant and ship owner. Elected M. W. Grand Master of the Free Masons of P.E.I., June, 1875. Was a mem. of the Ex. Co., 1870, and Speaker of the Assem., 1871. Re-apptd. to the Ex. Council 27th Sept., 1873, and again in 1876. Resigned, March 1879. Has sat for the present seat in the Ho. of Assem. since 1858. Is the Leader of the Opposition. A Liberal. - Porthill, P.E.I.
Deputy Heads and Chief Officers of the P.E.I. Civil Service.
Assistant Provincial Secretary and Treasurer - Arthur Newbery. (Salary, $1000.)
Registrar of Deeds - Benj. Des Brisay. (Salary, $1000.)
Provincial Auditor - R. F. DeBlois. (Salary, $1200.)
Secretary of Public Works. - J. W. Morrison. (Salary, $1000.)
Assistant Commissioner of Public Lands - Robert G. Strong. (Salary, $800.)