Charlottetown Forty Years Ago - The Examiner, 1844

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

Sept. 14, 1844

Charlottetown Forty Years Ago

The Daily Examiner of May 19, 1884, reviewed a copy of a newspaper that had been published in Charlottetown in 1844. "It is a four-paged paper, with four columns of type to each page. The pages measure exactly 8 1/2x12 inches." It was published every Wednesday and Saturday mornings, by E. A. Moody, Editor and Proprietor, at his office, near the druggist store of Mr. T. Desbrisay, Queen Street, Charlottetown. Price, one penny each copy. Pertinent paragraphs have been included here.


ST. ELEANORS -- Mr Wm. Henry Morris.
LOT 14 -- James E. S. Bagnall, Esq.
GEORGE TOWN -- Charles McLaren, Esq.
BEDEQUE -- A. Anderson, Esq.
TRYON -- Mr. John Hall.
BELFAST -- John Henderson, Esq.
GENERAL AGENT -- Mr. Henry Stamper

Mail facilities of 1844:

The Mails by the Southern route to Bedeque, Cape Traverse, Tryon River, are made up every Monday morning at 10 o'clock-- PAUL MABEY, Courier.

The Eastern Mails to Bay Fortune, Fairfield, Mount Pleasant, Lot 47, St. Margarets, St.Peters, Souris -- every Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock --PAT. FEEHAN, Courier.

The Western Mails to Bedeque, Cascumpeque, Cavendish, Egmont Bay, Lot 16, New Glasgow, New London, Park Corner, Port Hill, Prince Town, St. Eleanors, Tignish, Traveller's Rest -- every Thursday morning at 10 o'clock -- RICHARD BAGNALL, Courier.

The Southern Mails to Georgetown -- Wednesday and Saturday mornings at 8 o'clock. To Belfast, Murray Harbour, Vernon River, White Sands -- every Saturday at 8 o'clock, A. M.--



Mr. James N. Harris advertises for sale at auction the whole of the Misses McMurray's stock of millinery and fancy goods. Albert H. Yates advertises manilla rope, Dublin porter and Macintoshes, thus enabling customers to keep up the equilibrium of a moist interior and a dry and comfortable exterior. James Bain gives notice that the firm of Bain & Mackie is dissolved by mutual consent. James Purdie notifies all persons indebted to the late firm of James Purdie & Co., to pay up to save expenses. Mr Lamont advertises a stray brindle cow, and Edward Love wants all persons indebted to him to pay up before the first of October. H. W. Lobban, auctioneer (announces) an "important sale," of a "valuable collection of horses, harness, and carriages," of James Dex Cantelo, Queen's Square.

Under the heading of "No Humbug," Robert McKinlay announces that he manufactures tobacco, "but he does not wish to make a noise about it." We hope that there was no suspicion of cabbage leaf about the article. He is honest enough, however, to state that he manufactures it. After this frank statement his customers could not, of course, expect the Virginia or Kentucky article.

W. B. Cochran advertises hardware, cutlery, boots and shoes, groceries, &c. W. R. Watson calls attention to his stock of flour, cornmeal, rice, arrowroot, oatmeal, table salt, pickles, sugar, molasses, smoked salmon, dried fruits, etc. David Wilson states that he has just received a consignment of prime Wiltshire cheese. Thomas B. Tremain advertises fig tobacco, cigars and snuff at the P. E. Island Tobacco Factory. Wm. Crabbe advertises to let the premises occupied by W. Barnstead, baker, adjoining Mr. Joseph Weeks'. Peter Macgowan offers salmon, caught and cured at St. Peter's, for sale by the barrel or single fish, and also Souris oatmeal, and choice teas. Mrs. Heard calls attention to a "new and excellent assortment of millinery." Desbrisay & Co., advertise Newfoundland Herring, teas, white lead, oils, soap. Candles, brandy, win es, porter, etc. George F. Cooper, Queen Street, offers "new and select groceries.

A few copies of The Farmers' Manuel, published at Fredericton, N. B. may be found at The Morning News office; and the proprietor and editor, E. A. Moody, while soliciting patronage in the shape of advertising, job printing, etc., promises that "those in the jobbing department will be faithfully, and neatly executed." Whether this means decapitation, hanging, or other of methods of "shuffling off this moral coil,"is not stated, but the poor printers had the satisfaction of knowing that the work would be "neatly and faithfully" done. A salesman is wanted to deliver The Morning News, Wednesday and Saturday, to be paid by the "100 or gross.

T. Debrisay advertises drugs and medicines at "Apothecaries Hall," also cigars, snuff, and "soda water, fresh from the fountain." Donald McFadyen "rear of the jail," advertises "cheap tailoring." Donald says nothing about playing the "pipes." His music was, no doubt, gratis to his customers. William Cranston, Ch'town Royalty, offers for sale a valuable freehold farm, under the legend, "Free Trade and fair competition are essentially required to produce the welfare of rising communities." Mr.Walker announces that he has leased the Dalrymple Mills, about three miles distant from Charlottetown, nearly at the junction of the Great Western and Malpeque Roads. He will card wool for "2d per lb., for cash, and 3d for agricultural produce." He has a flour mill and oat kiln, and promises that "for oat meal and flour, no more than the legal toll will be taken." Is this not a sly intimation that others take illegal toll? Particular information respecting all these matters may be obtained from Mr. Cairns, blacksmith, opposite the Morning News office. James W. Cairns, "engineer and blacksmith," returns thanks for the large patronage bestowed and solicits more of it. G. Broderick, "veterinary surgeon," offers an excellent wagon for sale.

Of all those who advertised in the number of The Morning News which we have been reviewing, few are left amongst us. Just after preparing this article, we however, met Mr. Albert Yates who, from his fresh hearty appearance, appears good for another forty years of life.

Dave Hunter and The Island Register: HTML and Graphics© 2002

Last Updated: 11/30/2002 1:44:46 AM
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