The Age Departed, March/April, 1879.

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

The "Age Departed, March/April, 1879"

From The Examiner, May 10, 1879, Page One

Correspondence to the Editor....

"We do not hold ourselves responsible for the statements or opinions of our correspondents."

To the Editor of the Examiner.

SIR, In fulfillment of my promise, I send you a condensed list of the "aged departed" in the months of March and April last.

Their names and years are as follows:--

These are remarkable ages. Passing Kiley's stone-cutting establishment, the other day, I learned that Capt. James Furniss died at 78, and Michael Murphy at 81. If I have overlooked any names for the period covered by this letter, I will publish them in my next.

Yours, &c.,
Charlottetown, May 10, 1879.

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Last Updated: 02/16/2003 4:17:48 PM
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