Letter to the Examiner regarding the Dowey Memorial, 1869

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Submitted by Gary Carroll - [email protected]

Examiner Mon., 3 May, 1869, page 2



I beg through the columns of your influential journal to call the attention of our citizens to what I consider a public scandal. A monument has been erected over the grave of the poor unfortunate profligate and murderous Dowey. I, as well as thousands of others hope that the poor culprit died penitent; but did anyone ever hear of a monument being erectd to the memory of a man who confessed on the gallows that he was a murderer, and that he had been from his youth a much debauched character! I believe that many unfortunate criminals died in peace with their Maker; but I never heard of people outraging public feeling and decency by making saints and martyrs of such persons, and erecting marble monuments to their memory. God forbid that I should make Dowey blacker than he painted himself; but I solemnly protest against the insult offered to public decency by the erection of this monument.

May 3, 1869 CIVIS

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