New Summerside Fire Company - Summerside Progress, August 10, 1868

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

The Summerside Progress, Summerside, August 10, 1868


This company was formed Monday evening last, mainly through the exertions of one of our Fire Wardens, Mr. P. Delaney, who is deserving of praise, not only for his personal efforts in the matter, but for the excellent selection he has made of men to form the company......

These men,....met at Strong's Hall ....and proceeded to the election of officers, with the following result:

Captain--Charles B. Saunders.
First Lieutenant--George A. Beairsto.
Second Lieutenant--Albert F. Craig.
First Pipeman--Thomas Humphrey; 2nd do., James Lee.
Horsemen--Peter Connors, Thos. Frizzel.
Clerk & Treasurer--J. D. Enman.
Steward--John Bethune.

Brakemen--Elias Bishop, George Bishop, Joseph Rogers, Newton Lee, Frank Renouf, Daniel Hamilton, Daniel Stewart, Alex. Grady, James Clark, Matthew Dempsey, John Creighen, Alexander Smith, Thomas Brehaut, Charles Clark, Charles Donahoe, Patrick Lannigan, Thomas Connick, John McKenzie, John McKiernan, Charles O. Winkler, James Howe, W. P. Barker, Patrick Reilly.

The name of this new organization is the "Union Fire Company".

Our Wardens, with praiseworthy liberality, provided badges for the company, with which they were furnished on the occasion of their first parade and practice on Tuesday evening, when they turned out with full ranks, and made their engine, which was in excellent order, do wonders in the way of throwing water....

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