Convent of the Congregation de Notre Dame and St. Dunstan's College

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

The Examiner, September 4, 1860.

Convent of the Congregation de Notre Dame

THE classes of this establishment are now opened. The course of Instruction embraces the English and French Languages, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, and the use of Globes, Ancient and Modern History; Rhetoric, Logic, Chemistry, Philosophy, Botany; Music B Vocal and Instrumental; Drawing, Painting, and every kind of USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL NEEDLEWORK.

Pupils cannot be admitted without a recommendation.

A vacation of six weeks is annually given.

Each Pupil must be furnished with, at least, four changes of Linen, Shoes, Stockings, Sheets, Towels, Colored Dresses, &c., &c.

The uniform required is, one Light Blue, one Dark Blue, and one White Dress.

Board and Tuition per Quarter




Music, Piano




Vocal Music








Tuition for Day Scholars




Pupils under 10 years




TERMS, payable in advance

BOOKS, Stationery and Washing (if done in the Establishment), form extra charges.

Charlottetown, August 28, 1860

September 4, 1860

St. Dunstan's College

Charlottetown Royalty

Under the Patronage of the Right Rev. Dr. McIntyre, Bishop of Charlottetown

THIS Institution is beautifully situated on an elevated site about a mile north of Charlottetown, and its location is one of the healthiest in America. The grounds are spacious and afford ample room for such plays as football and cricket.

The discipline is strict though mild and parental. No boy of light or unruly manners will be retained in the establishment. The greatest attention is paid to the intellectual and moral culture of the pupils who are always under the watchful care and government of their Professors and Tutors and form but one family with them.

Arrangements have been made for the reception of day scholars.

The course of studies is solid and extensive, embracing the English, French, Latin and Greek Languages; Religious Instruction, Rhetoric, Elocution, History and Geography; a complete course of Mathematics, Chemistry, Natural, Intellectual and Moral Philosophy.

There is in the College a Library containing nearly three thousand volumes of the choicest English, French, Latin and Greek works. Also a splendid Philosophical Apparatus.

The collegiate year begins on the FIRST WEDNESDAY of September and ends about the middle of July.

Should a Student leave before the end of a quarter, no deduction will be made except in case of sickness.


Annual Pension for Board and Tuition.......................£24 0 0

Of this amount the Right Rev. Patron of the College pays £7 for those who are his subjects.


Spelling, Reading and Writing, 6s. per quarter of 11 weeks; English, Grammar, Composition, Geography, Arithmetic and use of Globes, 9s. per quarter; Latin, French, Greek, Philosophy, Mathematics, &c., 12s. 6d. per quarter. Half-boarders, learning any or all of the above branches, £12 per annum.

All accounts must be paid HALF YEARLY IN ADVANCE.

Parents or guardians wishing their children or wards to be supplied with clothing, books, &c. must deposit a sufficient sum in the hands of the Treasurer for that purpose.

For further particulars, apply to:

Rev. ANGUS McDONALD, Rector.
St. Dunstan's College, Aug. 28, 1860.

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