Fire on Sydney St., Charlottetown, 1851

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Submitted by Gary Carroll - [email protected]

Examiner 14 April, 1851

On Sunday morning about 1 o'clock, a Fire broke out in Sydney Street, and completely destroyed three houses - one owned by Mr. Wm. Barnstead, Baker; one by Mrs. P. B. Doyle; and one by Charles Welsh, Esq., merchant. Mrs. Doyle's house was between the two others, and was the one in which the fire originated --how, we have not been able to ascertain; Mr. Welsh's house was occupied by Mrs. Fair, tavern-keeper; Mr. Barnstead's by himself. Mrs. Doyle lost all her furniture and clothing.- Mr. Barnstead a consider able portion of his. Mr. Barnstead was insured to the amount of £ 200 - Mrs. Doyle £ 150, - no insurance upon the other house. Owing to the high wind which prevailed, it was with great difficulty and exertion the fire was prevented from spreading to the opposite and adjoining premises. The townsmen and military worked remarkably well.

Dave Hunter and The Island Register: HTML and Graphics

Last Updated: 2/6/2005 9:36:39 AM
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