List of Persons who have located themselves upon Crown Lands, in Prince Edward Island.

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Supplied by Lewis Gregory Jr. - [email protected] and transcribed by Dave Hunter - [email protected]

List of Persons who have located themselves upon Crown Lands, in Prince Edward Island. From the Appendix F, Journal of the House of Assembly for P.E.I., 1848

Names of Squatters

Where Located

Particular Lot in which located

No. of Acres Occupied

No. of Acres Improved

No. of Years in Occupation


Bazelle Perry

Township No. 15

Half of Lot No. 129




These People are all Acadian French; they are all very poor, and unable to purchase the land upon which they are settled, the greater part of which is of inferior quality.

Romain Perry

Township No. 15

Half of Lot No. 129





Moses Gaudet

Township No. 15

Half of Lot No. 28





Joseph Gallant

Township No. 15

Half of Lot No. 28





Joseph Arsenault

Township No. 15

Lot No. 126





John de Roach, Jr.

Township No. 15

Lot No. 126





John Richard Township No. 15 Part of Lot No. 190 66 3 2 "
Bazelle Arsenault Township No. 15 Parts of Lots 189 & 190 64 2 1 "
Clement Arsenault Township No. 15 Part of Lot No. 189 64 2 1 "
John Arsenault Township No. 15 Part of Lots 188 & 189 60 4 3


Fidelle Arsenault Township No. 15 Part of Lot No. 188 58 4 3 "
Alexr. Arsenault Township No. 15 Part of Lots 187 & 188 56 2 1/2 "
John Wedge Township No. 15 Lot No.181 100 5 4 "
Romaine Arsenault Township No. 15 Lot No.179 100 6 5 "
Lazar Arsenault Township No. 15 Lot No. 178 100 7 8 "
Christian Gallant Township No. 15 Lot No. 177 100 6 6 "
John Mac Inally Township No. 15 Lot No. 94 100 8 7  
Barney Gillis Cardigan Point, Georgetown Royalty Lot No. 48 8 8 5  
John Sudbury On the Intended site of Princetown About 40 town lots & a part of 5 streets, adjoining the wharf 10 10 12 These 40 lots are not all in the Crown, some having been granted to other persons many years ago.
John Whealan d.o. About 60 town lots and a part of 7 streets 20 20 50 Some of these lots have also been granted to other persons many years ago.
David Palmer Princetown Royalty Pasture Lots, Nos. 325, 326, and half of 333. 20 20 35 This person states that he applied to the Government for a grant of these lots, previously to settling thereon; but in consequence of that part of the Royalty not being surveyed at that time, he could not obtain it.
John Cochran Princetown Royalty Lots. Nos. 267, 268, 274, 275. 32 32 63 This person was allowed by the government to occupy Lots Nos. 274 & 275 while keeping Darnley Ferry, which is now done away with, and states some steps were taken towards giving him a grant of some others, which were not complete, except with regard to one lot.
Alexander Henry Princetown Royalty Lots 461, 462, 163, and 468 32 32 40  
James Crozier Princetown Royalty Lots 464, 465, 481, & 482 28 20 16  
George Curry Princetown Royalty Lots Nos. 467 & 468 23 6 7  
John Clarke Princetown Royalty Nos. 354, 355, & 361 21 10 2  
    Total Acres: 1460 239    

I certify the above to be the substance of a Return furnished to His Excellency, Sir H. V. Huntley, on the 30th November, 1844

George Wright, Surveyor General
Surveyor General's Office, 18th February, 1848.

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Last Updated: 08/22/2003 7:37:07 PM
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