Purchase of Seed Grain and Potatoes for Destitute Islanders, 1847

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

Royal Gazette, May 18, 1847.

Purchase of Seed Grain and Potatoes for Destitute Islanders.

"Several representations having been made to His Excellency, the Lieutenant Governor, on the destitute state of various districts in this Island, in consequence of the unusual length of the late winter; and that many of the Inhabitants are without Seed, having been compelled to feed their cattle with the Grain which they had set aside for that purpose;.... His Excellency was this day pleased to order warrants .... for the purchase and distribution of Seed Grain and Potatoes..and to appoint the following persons...to do so and ...to make a due return of all their proceedings, without delay, specifying thereon the numbers of families relieved, and the amount of relief afforded to each family." The money was to be paid for in the month of January next....


District No. 1 - Nicholas Conroy, Esq., Henry Hele, Malcolm Macneill, Allan Forsyth, Esq., Robert Hardy and John Hughes.

District No. 2 - James Kinlay, Colin Leech, Neil Mackinnon, John Morsehead, George Ellis and James Yeo, Esq.

District No. 3 - Maxime Gallant, Lot 15; Malam Arsneaux, Lot 16; Charles Ramsay, Lot 17; Allan Fraser, Esq., Lot 17; James E. S. Bagnall, Lot 14; and James Yeo, Lot 13.

District No. 4 - George Ramsay, Princetown Royalty; Alexander M'Lellan, Indian River, Lot 18; William Glover, Lot 19; John Daniels, Lot 20; Alexander Rae and Donald Montgomery, Esquires.

District No. 5 - Isaac Schurman, Bedeque; Stephen Wright, Esq., Bedeque; John Clark, Esq., Cape Traverse; Richard Hudson, Esq. Tryon; Samuel E. Dawson, Esq. Tryon; John Leard, sen., Tryon; and Alexander Dixon, Lot 67.


District No. 6 - C. Birch Bagster, Esq., Mill Vale; John C. Sims, Esq., New London; William Hodges, Esq., Rustico; Joshua Doirant, Rustico; Alexander Laird, New Glasgow; William Bagnall, Lot 22; and Thomas Haslam, Lot 67.

District No. 7 - John M'Ewen, Lot 65; Thomas Tod, Esq., Lot 29; Thomas Fairbairn, Esq., Lot 30; Thomas Kett, Lot 31; and William Crosby, Lot 32.

District No. 8 - Alexander M'Gregor, Esq., Lot 33; James M'Callum, Esq., Lot 33; John Moore, North River; and John Horne, Winsloe Road.

District No. 9 - Edward Lane, Donaldston; Roderick M'Donald, Cross Roads; Alexander M'Donald, Maple Hill; Michael Hughes, Lot 36; and Alexander Robertson, Lot 34.

District No. 10 - Francis Kelly, Fort Augustus; James M'Donald, Portage, Lot 35; Robert Mutch, Lot 48; Charles Haszard, Esq., Lot 49; Alexander M'Donald, North Pole, Lot 50; and Alexander M'Lean, Esq.

District No. 11 - James Munn, Wood Island; John M'Donald, Pinette; Richard Curran, Newtown; John M'Donald, (Charles), Orwell; Joseph Atkinson, Belfast, and the Rev. John M'Lennan.


District No. 12 - John M'Varish, (Back Farms), St. Peter's; John M'Donald, Allisary; John Leslie, Schooner Pond Mills, and Murdoch Murray, St. Peter's Bay.

District No. 13 - James Dingwell, (Pond), Bay Fortune; John M'Intosh, Esq., Lot 43; Donald M'Kinnon, (Roderick's son), Lot 41; and James Martin, (Shoemaker), Lot 55.

District No. 14 - Lawrence Peters, Rollo Bay; Alexander Fraser, Lot 47; Elisha Morrow, East Point; and John M'Donald, sen., Lot 44.

District No. 15 - Henry Gordon, Brudenell River; William Alley, Head of Cardigan; James M'Laren, Lot 51; and Martin Halloran, Lot 66.

District No. 16 - Philip Beer, Head of Montague River; Thomas Clow, Esq., Murray Harbour; John Dalziel, Esq., Lot 63; and David Crichton, Lot 64.


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