1844 Charlottetown Wells

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Submitted by Christine Gorman

Royal Gazette, May 14, 1844;

At a Meeting on Tuesday last, the following persons were chosen Assessors
for Pumps, and Wells, in Charlottetown, for the ensuing year.

Messrs. John Ogle Nantis, Chairman, reelected.
Robert Hutchinson, Treasurer, do.
John Gainsford, do.
Dennis Reddin,
Thomas Pethick,
Joseph M'Donald,
John D. P. Cole,
Thomas Dodd,
Kenneth M'Kenzie,
George Weldon, Collector of Assessment,
Robert Percival, Contractor, for keeping Pumps, &c., in order.

Dave Hunter and The Island Register: HTML and Graphics© 2003

Last Updated: 12/20/2003 7:48:34 PM
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