The Island Register - United Kingdom Records - Mull

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The following transcription was posted on the SCT-ISLE mailing list by Jill Elizabeth DAKIN. It is reproduced here with Jill's permission. Thank you, Jill.

On my recent trip to Mull I recorded as many Monumental inscriptions as I could, but can't guarantee that there aren't errors in some of the dates. Many stones were so weathered that numbers were difficult to decipher, but I did the best I could in a very limited time frame.

Jill Elizabeth Dakin

These are from Scoor (Kilvickeon) cemetery, which is a very old graveyard some 2 - 3 miles south of Bunessan. James McKean of the Bunessan Historical Society took me up there and helped me with place names. Some of the oldest gravestones were impossible to read, so don't despair if you don't find one you are looking for.


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Presented by: Dave Hunter & The Island Register.

Last Updated: 09/23/1999 8:44:04 AM
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